Articles by Category: Foreign Policy
Stumbling About In the Graveyard of Empires
David Michael Green
Keywords:Surge, a Façade for Changing Disgraced Policy
Mirza A. Beg
Keywords:Take some kittens, put them in a box, and jump on the box: Eyewitness Account Gaza
Vittorio Arrigoni
Tarzan Foreign Policy `We good, you bad`
Ivan Eland
Tears and hard truths in Cairo
S. Abdallah Schleifer
Keywords:Thank God Someone Is Listening to Us - Terrorism Is Not Jihad - updated 6/19/2010
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:The Abraham Lincoln Brigade - A Profile in Courage, Honor and Hope
Stephen Lendman
The Big Lie: American Forces Are Leaving Iraq
John W. Whitehead
The Blame Game in Gaza: Covering for Israel, Concealing War Crimes
Stephen Lendman
The Brightest Ray of Light
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Keywords:The Coming Uncertain War against Iran
Ramzy Baroud
The Dawn Begins with a Single Ray of Light to Illuminate the Darkness
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Keywords:The death of children is the death of innocence
Emine Erdogan
Keywords:The defamation of Cynthia McKinney and other violations of her human rights
Ray Hanania
Keywords:The Demise of the Double Standard in the Middle East?
Mark Chmiel
The Goldstone Report, Reconciliation, and Peace - updated 1/10/10
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:The Great Middle East Power Games
Soumaya Ghannoushi
Keywords:The great wall between Iran and the U.S.
Mahan Abedin
The Guantanamo “Suicides” Need to Be Investigated - updated 4/16/10
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:The Hidden Holocaust: Our Civilizational Crisis - Part 2: Exporting Democracy
Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
The Israeli Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
Sheila Musaji
The Levin-Graham Amendment and Due Process at Guantanamo
Brian J. Foley
The Mendacity of ‘Missed Opportunities’
M. Shahid Alam
The Middle East: Inertia More Likely than Change
Michael Lüders
Keywords:The New ‘Great Game’ and Limited Resources
Stephen Lendman
Keywords:The Radicalization of America: Has It Just Begun?
Dr. Robert D. Crane
The Sad Saga of American Politics
Habib Siddiqui
The Science of Terror
Jim Miles
The Slogans of War
Abdul Cader Asmal
The State of the Nation: “I am afraid”
John W. Whitehead
Keywords:The Titans are Coming to Save the Titanic
Dr. Robert D. Crane
The Tragic Costs of War
John W. Whitehead
Keywords:The U.S. Congress’s Biased Resolution on Gaza
Keywords:The United States and Political Islam: The Dialectic of Hegemony and Resistance
Mohammed Ayoob
Thinking Through a U.S. Strategy Toward Gaza: A Congressional View
Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad
Tibet, Palestine, and Kissinger: Further Ramifications
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Torture and White Phosphorus
John Chuckman
Tunisia Shows the Way
Hasan Zillur Rahim
Keywords:U.S. Domestic Issues Block Mideast Peace
Nihad Awad
U.S. Foreign Policy Traditions and the Middle East
Walter A. McDougall
U.S. Security Council veto on Israeli settlement activity - a contradictory message
Ray Hanania
Keywords:U.S. Troops (Sort of) Pull Out Of Iraq Cities: Iraq now (sort of) sovereign
Mike Ferner
U.S.-Muslim Alliance: To be or not to be?: Spiritual Re-armament and the Enemy Within *
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Keywords:Under Pressure: Protecting and Providing in the Gaza Strip
Emily Ratner
Unspoken hurdles to a real peace
Frederick Butler, CNI Communications Director
Keywords:US encourages the Talibanisation of Afghanistan
Abid Mustafa
US Foreign Policy and Iran - Of War Games and Guessing Games
Ali Fathollah-Nejad
US Normalising relations with the Axis of Evil
Abid Mustafa
USA and USSR: Accidental Parallels?
M. Shahid Alam
Keywords:Veterans for Peace Lights the Way
Mike Ferner
Keywords:Veterans for Peace Occupy National Archives Building
Mike Ferner
Veterans for Peace to President Obama - “You will find us in the streets”
Mike Ferner
Keywords:Veterans’ group to members: multiply resistance by any peaceful means available
Mike Ferner
Keywords:Viva Palestina Convoy to Gaza - Updated 7/21/09
War on Terror: The real target is Islam and the Arab World
Ray Hanania
War With Iran on Horizon
Michael Collins Piper
War, Inc.
Mike Ferner
Watch That Pea: What the administration is doing while you’re watching Scooter & Sammy.
John M. Kelley
We Need Real Change Not Promises
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:What Barack Obama can do to help the Middle East
Ray Hanania
What Happens When a Super-Power Joins the Crowd?
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Keywords:What Is Hillary Clinton’s Position on the Iraq War?
Joshua Frank
Keywords:What is it about retiring presidents and their legacies?
Ray Hanania
Keywords:What Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. might say to Bono and US!
Eileen Fleming
Keywords:What We Already Know About Iraq From the People Who Launched the War
David Michael Green
What’s the Matter With Gaza?
Council for the National Interest Foundation
When Brave soldiers were led by Timid Generals
Mirza A. Beg
When U.S. Foreign Policy Meets Biblical Prophecy
Where Do The Candidates Stand On The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?
Keywords:Why Afghanistan Matters
Sophia Rose Shafi
Why American Liberalism Is Impossible
John Chuckman
Why Americans Gotta Read the “War Crimes Times!”
Kim Carlyle
Keywords:Why are Iranians dreaming again?
Ali Alizadeh
Keywords:Why Do They Hate Us? - TAM article collection - updated 12/26/10
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Why do you get them but I can’t? The Nuclear Showdown between the US and Iran
Tim Buchholz
Keywords:Why we must prosecute Bush and his administration for war crimes
Mike Ferner
Will the U.S. Demand an End to Israeli Settlements
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Winning Muslim Hearts and Minds Must Begin at Home - In America
Sarwar Kashmeri
World’s Religious Leaders Mourn the Obama Escalation in Afghanstan
Rabbi Michael Lerner
Keywords:Yes He Can! Insha’Aallah, Yes He Will!
S. Abdallah Schleifer
Keywords:Zionism in Gaza’s Shattered Mirror
M. Shahid Alam
Zionists Against Zion?
M. Shahid Alam