Articles by Category: Foreign Policy
Groups Urge Congress to Stop Funding Failed Iran “Democracy” Program
National Iranian American Council
Guantanamo as a Symbol
Ramzy Baroud
Hamas and Hudna: Keys to Peace in the Holy Land
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Hillary in Asia: Can America Make-Over Its Image?
Farish A. Noor
Holbrooke Accused of Appeasing Serb War Criminal
Keywords:How to Improve Relations with the Muslim World - Challenges and Promises Ahead
Mariem R. Masmoudi
Keywords:Humanity Suffers the Savagery of the American Empire’s Post 9/11 Worldview
Jason Miller
I know why the caged bird bites…
Imran Musaji
Keywords:If the Surge Is Working Bush Should be Impeached
David Michael Green
Interview with Gilbert Achcar - Turning Away from a Strategy of Confrontation
Ali Fathollah-Nejad
Keywords:Interview with Reza Aslan: We are fighting a war of the imagination
Shahed Amanullah
Iran - We’re gonna hold ‘em to account
Ahmed Soliman
Iran and North Korea standoff: US policy on NPT is in tatters
Abid Mustafa
Iran at the Cross Roads – What should the US Do - Part 1
Mirza A. Beg
Iran at the Cross Roads – What Should the US Do - Part 2
Mirza A. Beg
Iran Under Threat of War?
Dr. Nasir Khan
Iran: That sinking feeling!
Aijaz Zaka Syed
Irangate 2008: New Straws in the Wind?
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Keywords:Iranian tension with U.S. requires an adult Reaganite
Ahmed Soliman
Iraq Progress Report: A Time to Assess and Reflect
Stephen Lendman
Iraq War: Why the Government Doesn’t Care What You Think
Linda Mamoun
Iraq, the Unavoidable Global Trauma
Pablo Ouziel
Iraq: They Met the Resistance
Mike Ferner
Is Obama a Peacemaker or a Warmonger?
John W. Whitehead
Keywords:Islam Now, China Then: Any Parallels?
M. Shahid Alam
Keywords:Israel’s Wanton Aggression On Gaza
Stephen Lendman
Israel’s Fictional Undivided Jerusalem
Dr. James Zogby
Israel’s Subjugation of the Palestinians Must End Now
Louay Safi
Keywords:It’s Karzai by Hook or Crook
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Keywords:It’s the American Way or the Highway
Jason Miller
Jesus Wouldn’t Bomb Anyone: “Why are we waging war on the poor and oppressed?”
Jason Miller
Justifying Intervention in Pakistan - Justifying Incineration of Pakistan
Joachim Martillo
Keywords:KARAMAH Says President Obama’s Cairo Speech “Moves the World into the 21st Century”
Keywords:Language and war in the Middle East
Ali Alarabi
Letter from America – Obama, Israel and Iran
Habib Siddiqui
Letter from an Israeli Jail
Cynthia McKinney
Keywords:Letter to President Bush on Gaza Crisis
Ralph Nader
Letters from Gaza
Kenneth Ring
Keywords:Love, American Style
David Michael Green
Managing Consent: The Art of War, Democracy and Public Relations
Ramzy Baroud
Marna house, Gaza city - Eyewitness account
Vittorio Arrigoni
Media allows hiding of human rights abuses puts U.S. troops in danger
Saffiya Shillo
Keywords:Media’s Self-Censorship Abets Gaza Atrocities
Ahmed Rehab
Middle East Madness
Stephen Lendman
Moshtarak: Ethnic cleansing in Afghanistan
Yvonne Ridley
MPAC Commends President’s Call for End of Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Land
Murder in Gaza: When any excuse will do
Anisa Abd el Fattah
Muslim Women’s NGO Submits Goldstone Report to International Criminal Court
Keywords:MWA Director Aishah Schwartz Commends Congressmen Supporting End of Gaza Embargo
Keywords:MWA Rejects Ideological Exclusion as U.S. Delays Visa of Palestinian Journalist - update 3/27
Keywords:NATO Genocide in Afghanistan
Liaquat Ali Khan
Neda’s martyrdom is fueled by Western media for all the wrong reasons
Sabria Jawhar
Keywords:Netanyahu’s Doublespeak: Can He Be Restrained?
Habib Siddiqui
Keywords:New Directions for American Foreign Policy: Can Communitarian Pluralism Bring Peace through Justice?
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Keywords:New Frontiers in Global Strategy - The Case of Pushtunistan
Dr. Robert D. Crane
No Exit for Civilians in Gaza in the Midst of War
Ken Bacon, President of Refugees International
Not by Might, and not by Power
Rabbi Arthur Waskow
Keywords:Not making the same mistakes in wake of 9/11
Anisa Mehdi
Nuclear Assistance to India: Building a Future Menace?
Ivan Eland
Nuclear Proliferation – Are we heading for war?
Dr. Habib Siddiqui
Keywords:Obama Calls for Justice in Iran
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Keywords:Obama Connects in Cairo
Keywords:Obama Has Finally Got It in Central Asia: Legitimacy Comes Locally from the Bottom Up
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Obama on Palestine-Israel
Sarah Dwidar
Keywords:Obama-Abbas: It starts with the settlements
Daoud Kuttab
Keywords:Obama: Responding to Mumbai
Rabbi Arthur Waskow
Obama: Sending the Right Signals
Muqtedar Khan
Obama’s Foreign Policy: the Missteps Before Disaster
Jeff Siddiqui
Obama’s Pragmatic Paradigmatics
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Keywords:Obama’s Cairo speech transcends location and proves timeless
Javeed Akhter
Obama’s Speech Tries to Close the Gap with the World of Islam
Habib Siddiqui
Observations on President Obama’s Speech in Cairo
Ray Hanania
Open Letter to Barack Obama
Jello Biafra
Keywords:Open Letter to Pres. Obama about Democracy Promotion in the Middle East and the Muslim World updated
Keywords:Open Letter to President Obama
Pakistan: “I Want to Live with my Family”
by Kathy Kelly and Josh Brollier
Keywords:Pakistan: Our Man in Islamabad
Stephen Lendman
Pakistan: Will History Repeat Itself?
M. Shahid Alam
Palestine Kairos Initiative of Palestinian Clergy
Keywords:Palestine, Jus Cogens, Maqasid al Shari’ah, and The Abraham Federation
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Palestinians must change their strategies to fight for statehood
Ray Hanania
Pat Buchanan and Ray McGovern Answer Helen Thomas’ “Why” Question - updated 5/7/12
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Patience is the road to reconciliation with Iran
Anisa Mehdi
Peace and Justice in Gaza: The Ontological Debate
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Perfidy of Pakistani Rulers
Liaquat Ali Khan
Keywords:Pirates, Pirates Everywhere! And Not a Ship to Sink!
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Keywords:President Barack Obama to the Muslims. Just a speech?
Tariq Ramadan
Keywords:President Obama’s Cairo Speech: Deeds, Not Words
Hasan Zillur Rahim
Keywords:President Obama’s Cairo Speech is a Foundation for Mutual Recognition and Positive Engagement
President Obama’s outreach to the Muslim world: possibilites and pitfalls
Dr. Javeed Akhter
Prominent Scholars and Experts Urge President to Make Democracy in the Middle East a Top Priority
Reckoning with Radical Islam
Lee Hamilton
Release of Libyan in Lockerbie bombing puts past behind us
Ray Hanania
Keywords:Russia and Obama: Untying the Gordian Knot
Eric Walberg
Sarah Palin’s Prayer
Sheila Musaji
Seeking Common Ground in U.S. Foreign Policy
Parvez Ahmed
Keywords:Showing of “Rachel” in San Francisco
Paul Larudee
Keywords:Somalia, Outside the Violence Box
Abukar Arman
Somalia: Shifting Policy or a Face-saving Gimmick
Abukar Arman
Still Breathing, An Eyewitness Report from Gaza
Caoimhe Butterly