Articles by Category: Religious Extremism
‘Burn Quran Day’ an outrage to Muslims
Akbar Ahmed
Keywords:“Let him who is without sin cast the first stone” ( John 8:7)
Dr. Abdul Cader Asmal
Keywords:15 Saudi Schoolgirls Die in Fire Because They Were Not “Properly” Dressed
Sheila Musaji
A Critique of Religious Extremism
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan (tr. Yoginder Sikand)
Keywords:A Page From Islamic History: the ‘Other’ 1492 *
Aisha Brown
Abdullah El Faisal, Revolution Muslim, and Islamic Thinkers Society - updated 6/22/2012
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Afghan Law Violates Islamic Human Rights Norms
Against Terrorism and Religious Extremism: Muslim Position and Responsibilities
Islamic Society of North America - ISNA
Keywords:AMANA issues a statement against any violence against “Burn a Qur’an” demonstration
Keywords:An appeal to Indonesian Muslims
Mike Ghouse
Keywords:Anti-Islamic Movements in Germany: “Islamophobic – and Proud of It”
Claudia Mende
Keywords:Anwar Al Awlaki Has Been Assassinated - updated 9/30/2011
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Attack on the Kaaba?
Rev. Frank Julian Gelli
Keywords:Attempting to Make Sense of the Fort Hood Tragedy
S. Abdallah Schleifer
Keywords:Beheading Islam in Peshawar - updated
Dr. Shah Alam Khan
Keywords:Beyond the Comfort Zone: Passion and Peril at a Pro-Christian Rally
Ahmed Rehab
Keywords:Boko Haram Fringe Group Distorts Role of Religion and Education
Mohammad Abdeljalil
Keywords:Book Announcement: The Great Theft: Wrestling Islam from the Extremists (Khaled M. Abou El Fadl)
Book Review: The Politics of Apocalypse—The History and Influence of Christian Zionism (Cohn-
Yoginder Sikand
BOOK REVIEW: Racing Toward Armageddon (Michael Baegent)
Sheila Musaji
Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association Wants to Deport American Muslims - update 8/30/10
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Burning the Quran
Jeff Siddiqui
Keywords:CAIR Seeks Federal Charges in Hate Attack on NY Muslim Mom, Daughter
Keywords:Christian Born Again Zionists
Keywords:Christian Coalition of America: Meet the New Zionists
Keywords:Christian Extremism
Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood
Keywords:Christian Extremist Pastors Pray for Death of Enemies Including President Obama
Sheila Musaji
Christian Extremists Within the U.S. Military - Myth or Reality?
Habib Siddiqui
Christian Fundamentalism, the Global Crusade and Muslims
Yoginder Sikand
Keywords:Christian Fundamentalists Driving Mid East Policy
Keywords:Christian Militancy Corrodes American ideal
Mary Ellen Schoonmaker
Keywords:Christian Zionism: An Historical Analysis and Critique, John Hubers
Keywords:Christian Zionists
Keywords:Christmas, Dr. Zakir Naik, and the Doctrine of Extreme Culpability
Mary Lahaj
Keywords:Church Bombings in Malaysia: The Politics Behind the Dilemma
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Keywords:Clarion Fund to Inject Millions in November Elections Throgh Iran Mushroom-Cloud Propaganda
Richard Silverstein
Keywords:Congressman Keith Ellison and the Qur’an
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Criminals of the Cloth
Dangers of Excess, Extremism among Muslims
Imam Ghayth Nur Kashif
Keywords:Despite Religious Violence, Egyptian Mosques Calling for Muslim-Christian Unity
H.A. Hellyer
Keywords:Dispensationalism (Christian Zionism) and Racism
Keywords:Erasing “Allah” In Churches And Mosques
C.M. Naim
Keywords:European Anti-Semitism and the Religious Right
Keywords:Former Navy Chaplain Prays for the Death of Those Who Disagree With Him - updated 10/15/12
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Frank Gaffney’s Obsession with Sharia - updated 4/29/2012
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Franklin Graham tells CNN’s Campbell Brown “Islam is Evil” surprise, surprise,R
Robert Salaam
Keywords:Free speech to counter hate speech - Dove World Outreach Center incident
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Fundamentalism and Terrorism
Asghar Ali Engineer
Keywords:Fundamentalists and the Millenium
Great Theft: Wrestling Islam From the Extremists (Khaled Abou El Fadl)
Melanie Colburn
Keywords:How to TackleTerrorism
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan (tr. Yoginder Sikand)
In Defense of Carly Fiorina
Habib Siddiqui
Keywords:In the Name of God
India: Skewed Media Approach to Terrorism
Yoginder Sikand
Keywords:Indian Muslim Leaders Condemn Attacks on Christian Properties in Kashmir
Keywords:Indian Muslim Women’s Group Denounces Darul Uloom Deoband’s Divorce Fatwa
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Interrogating Religious Radicalism
Yoginder Sikand
Is One Offensive Cleric More Important Than 38 Reasonable Ones?
Firas Ahmad
Keywords:Is the Christian Right a Fascist Movement?
John W. Whitehead
Is There Such a Thing As Religious Terrorism?
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Islam In the West: the Threat of Internal Extremism
M. Muqtedar Khan and John Esposito
Keywords:Islamic Extremism: The Ultimate Oxymoron
Robert D. Crane
Keywords:Islamic Information Center condemns fatal attack on Christian charity workers in Afghanistan
Keywords:Islamophobic B’nai Brith Ad
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:ISNA Condemns the Anti Christian Riots in Pakistan
Keywords:ISNA Joins Gainesville Community in Call for Peaceful Response to Planned Quran Burnings
Keywords:Israel’s Dangerous Fundamentalists
Ian S. Lustick
Israeli Extremists and Christian Fundamentalists
Keywords:Israeli Propaganda Machine
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Jewish “Ahavah shel achvah” Brotherly Love is Difficult for Some to Attain - updated 9/8/2011
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Jewish & Muslim Groups Repudiate Minnesota Rabbi’s Call to Kill Arab “men, women and children”
Keywords:Jewish Newspaper Articles Call for Murder/Genocide of Muslims/Arabs updated 8/1/14
Sheila Musaji
Joseph Farah and World Net Daily - updated
Sheila Musaji
Judeo-Fascists Attack Jews for Justice
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Keywords:Karen Hughes & American Muslims: Alliance Against Extremism?
Muqtedar Khan
Keywords:Left Behind: Fundamentally Unsound
Malaysia, Allah, and God - updated 11/3//2013
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Muslim Organizations Condemn Terrorist Acts Against Christian Churches in Egypt & Nigeria
Keywords:Muslimah Writers Alliance Welcomes Saudi Reversal in Al-Timani Forced Divorce Case
Aishah Schwartz, Director MWA
Keywords:Muslims Must Condemn Religious Extremists
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:NAMF to hold Press Conference Regarding Death Threats to Canadian Muslim Congress Leaders
NY Jewish Leaders Asked to Repudiate Columnist’s Call to ‘Kill’ Muslims
On the Road to Armageddon
Keywords:Overcoming Religiously Motivated Violence
Keywords:Please Do Not Call Me!: Being an American Muslim when tragedy strikes
Aref Assaf, PhD
Keywords:Protecting Religious Minorities & Houses of Worship a Duty for Muslims - updated 9/22/13
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Qur’an 7:163-166 and 2:65: What “Pigs And Monkeys”?
Dr. Hesham Hassaballa
Keywords:Rajasthan Govt. School Texts Glorify Fascism, Casteism and Brahminism
Yoginder Sikand
Keywords:Religio-Facism: The Insidious Corruption of Corporate Capitalism, Nation States and Institutional Re
John M. Kelley
Religion and violence: another look at Islamophobia and anti-Semitism
Hussein Ibish
Keywords:RELIGIOUS EXTREMISM - RELIGIOUS RIGHT - article collection - updated 3/11/2010
compiled by Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Religious Extremism and Democracy
Asghar Ali Engineer
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Keywords:RELIGIOUS EXTREMISM: Religio-Fascists in Our Midst (Part I)
Farish A. Noor
Keywords:RELIGIOUS EXTREMISM: Religio-Fascists in Our Midst (Part II)
Farish A. Noor
Keywords:RELIGIOUS EXTREMISM: Religio-Fascists in Our Midst (Part III)
Farish A. Noor
Keywords:Repudiating Evil in Our Midst
Hasan Zillur Rahim
Keywords:Response to the Foiled New York Terror Plot
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf
Rev. Franklin Graham: Of Condemnation and Divinity
azizah Y. al-Hibri
Keywords:Saudi Royals Destroying Home of Muhammad
Tarek Fatah