Robert Spencer’s Deception and Denial

Sheila Musaji

Posted Jan 15, 2013      •Permalink      • Printer-Friendly Version
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Robert Spencer’s Deception and Denial

by Sheila Musaji

Robert Spencer has discovered yet another ridiculous Muslim “stealth jihad” plot.  This one so concerned him that “exposing” these “deceitful” Muslims required two of his “scholarly” refutations.  Deception and Denial Are Not Reform and Wife-beating:// “My husband said it’s okay, he told me the Koran says it’s okay”

What has provoked Robert Spencer to feel the need to warn his readers twice about this particular danger?

“The Change This” campaign by Muslim women's charity Amina encourages people to report any violence they have seen or experienced.

A Scottish Muslim women’s group has begun an anti-domestic violence campaign called “Change This”.  The campaign was initiated by a Muslim women’s charity called Amina Muslim Women’s Resource Center to tackle misconceptions and manipulations of Islamic teachings.  The campaign will call on members of the Muslim community to become “change makers” and oppose and report all violence against women and girls.  Their slogan is “together we can end male violence against women”. 
They say about “Change This”: “We are asking you to help break the silence by taking action to raise awareness and spread the word that violence against women is wrong and will not be tolerated in our community.  We are asking you to be the change you want to see in your community by making the change-maker promise and joining our change-makers of Scotland.”

This joins many other Muslim education campaigns elsewhere.


Twenty Canadian Muslim Organizations Urge ‘Zero Tolerance’ for Domestic Violence after the tragic murder of Aqsa Parvez. 12/2007

Imam Zaid Shakir has practical suggestions for attempting to root out this barbaric practice from the Muslim community (7/2008):

Practical steps include the following:  1. Emphasize that such killings have no sanction in the Qur’an, the Prophetic practice, or in Islamic law.  2. Declare anyone guilty of involvement in honor killings to be a cold-blooded murderer.  3. Encourage judicial authorities to enact the harshest penalties possible for anyone accused of involvement in such killings. 4. Educate our Muslim communities, especially in the West, about the un-Islamic nature of honor killings, and the pressures, nuances, challenges and complications facing young Muslims, male and female in the West.  5. Work to eliminate the double standards, and to expose the hypocrisy that exist in our communities, generally, concerning attitudes and standards relating to the indiscretions of males as opposed to females.

The Islamic Society of North America ISNA has published a statement Permalink