BOOKS:  Scattered Pictures: Reflections of An American Muslim (Imam Zaid Shakir)

Posted Feb 10, 2006      •Permalink      • Printer-Friendly Version Bookmark and Share

“This collection of Zaid Shakir’s essays is long overdue. For some years now he has brought a clarity of mind and feeling to substantive issues challenging Muslims today. It is good to see some of his fire-fly, lightning bolt thinking captured in words and put between covers.” - Michael Wolfe, author of The Hadj: An American’s Pilgrimage to Mecca

“Imam Zaid Shakir has compiled in this volume a number of his articles which address some of the burning issues that challenge all religious men and women in the United States of America and beyond. What is remarkable about this text is its message of hope. Deeply rooted in the Western and Islamic traditions, and bent on reconciling and profiting from both of them, Imam Shakir has written a text that could serve as a useful model for younger Muslims coming from a similar background. His reflections in this text have made it clear to me that the person who wrote this book is a man whose mental furniture has been properly re-arranged by his encounter with the Qur’an and the legacy of Prophet Muhammad. Muslims and non-Muslims will find much inspiration from teh messages that are beautifully packaged for those who think seriously and critically.” - Sulayman S. Nyang, Ph.D., Howard University

“The clarity with which Imam shakir delves into issues such as the true nature of jihad and the relationship between Islam and the African American struggle leaves the reader with new insights and imparts him or her a satisfying resolution to many unspoken issues and hardened realizations common to man Muslims today.” - Yahiya Emerick, author of Muhammmad (Critical Lives series)
