Abd El Fattah, Anisa - American Lamentations
Abdelmoneim, Eiman - Rested Hearts
Abdul Rauf, Imam Feisal - On Faith blog
Abdul-Malik, Imam Johari
Abdullah, Melanie
Abraham, Christina
AbuKhalik, As’ad - The Angry Arab
AbuNab, Neal - Islam Palestine Blogger
Abunimah, Ali
Abusharif, Ibrahim - From Clay
Acoustics, Health, and Sufism
Adibudeen, Abu Zahra - Lantern Torch
Afeef, Junaid - An American Muslim Journal
Afghanistan - Frida’s notebook
Ahmed, Akbar - Islamico
Ahmed, Nafeez - The Cutting Edge
Ahmed, Parvez
Akbar, M.T.
Akhter, Javeed - A Muslim American Gadfly
Akram, Athar - Muslim Photo Gallery - photos of Islamic sites around the world
Al Mawali, Abu Rishe - A Thousand and One Arabian Blogs
Al-Hindi, Abdusalaam
al-Hindi, Abdusalaam
Al-Irlandee, Abu Noor - Unrepentant Fenian Islamist
Al-Mawali, Abu Rishe
Al-Miwali, Abu Rishe - A Thousand and One Arabian Blogs
Alam, M. Shahid
Alam, Sadiq - Inspirations and creative thoughts
Ali, Baba - Ummah Films
Ali, Mohammed - Arts and Islam
Ali, Wajahat - Goatmilk blog
Aliva, Karima
Amal A. - Improvisations: Arab Woman Progressive Voice
Ani - Singing for the soul of Islam
Anis Online
Anwar, Layla - An Arab Woman Blues
Arastu, Salma
Aslan, Reza
Ateeq, Munawwar - The Scholars Pen
Athar, Dr. Shahid
Australia - Austrolabe
Ayloush, Hussam
Bahraini, Chan’ad
Baker, Carolyn - Speaking Truth to Power
Baki, Ahmed - Sufism and Science
Bangladesh - Fug’s blog
Banglawala, Inayat - Comment is free
Barlas, Asma
Bedier, Ahmed
Beekun, Rafik - The Islamic Workplace
Bethlehem Bloggers
Bewley, Aisha
Birt, Yahya - Musings on the Britannic Crescent
Blackhirst, Rod - The Abode of Peace
Bleher, Sahib Mustaqim - The Flying Imam
Bora, Musab - Mr. Moo
Brooklyn Bedouin: Old Ghosts of the Atlantic
Brother Dash
Bunt, Gary - Virtually Islam
Butler, Amir
Butt, Riazzat - Islamophonic
Carol - American Bedu
Chadly, Yassir Shaykh
Cole, Juan - informed comment
Copious Footnotes
Current thinking
Dagli, Caner - Muslim Comment
Davis, Mustafa
deyhim, afshin
Deyhim, Afshin - Iranian
Diab Khaled - Diabolic Digest
Dunne, John - Dunners Blogspot
Dunne, John Tariq - Dunner’s Blog
Ebrahimji, Maria - I speak for myself
El Fadl, Khaled Abou
El-Fatatry, Mohamed - Muxlim
El-Gamal, Mahmoud - Islam and Economics
Elias, Jamal
Ellison, Keith
Eltahawy, Mona (journalist)
Emerick, Yahiya
Engineer, Dr. Asghar Ali
Esack, Farid
Escaping Durkadurkistan
Eteraz, Ali - States of Islam
Eteraz, Ali - Unwilling Self-Negation
Faraz - Irrelevant Opinions
Fareed, Muneer
Farooq, Mohammed Omar
Faruqi, Ismail 1921-1986 - devoted to publishing old articles of Dr. Faruqi
Flying While Muslim Documentary
Garza, Lisa
Godlas, Alan - Islam Site
Godlas, Alan - Sufi News
Gopin, Mark: Confronting the Conflicts Facing Humanity
Gray, Peter - Muslimerican
Green Sufi
Guess, Steven - Digitally Arranged (formerly Steven’s Pub)