Articles by Category: PALESTINE - ISRAEL
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‘Battle of Gaza’ Separates Arizona Muslim Family
Aishah Schwartz
“...a land of olive oil, and honey”
Rabbi Baruch (Barry) Leff
“Sleepless in Gaza…and Jerusalem”
S. Abdallah Schleifer
“Unrecognized” Palestinians
Stephen Lendman
“Five killed in clashes in West Bank and Gaza”: Language and the crimes we permit
Scott Kennedy
Keywords:A bridge across the river
Rachel Brandenburg
A Case for Arab Dignity
Ramzy Baroud
A Chief Rabbi with a brilliant idea, and a ‘holy place’ envy
Khaled Abdel-Hamid
Keywords:A Long History of Injustice Ignored: Israel and the Consequences of “Uniqueness”
M. Shahid Alam
Keywords:A Long History of Injustice Ignored: Palestine
Mazin Qumsiyeh
Keywords:A Long History of Injustice Ignored: The Case of Jerusalem - The Holy City
Habib Siddiqui
Keywords:A Long History of Injustice Ignored: The Case of Jerusalem - The Holy City - Notes
Habib Siddiqui
A Long History of Injustice Ignored: Timeline of Palestine History
Mazin Qumsiyeh
Keywords:A Muslim Call To The Israelis
Harun Yahya
Keywords:A Muslim’s Memo to Obama: Words Cannot Camouflage Cluster Bombs
M. Junaid Levesque-Alam
Keywords:A New Strategy For the Conquest of the Middle East
Dr. Chandra Muzaffar
A Palestinian Christian Speaks
Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad
A Real H-Bomb for Real Change: Cooperate with Palestinians’ Legitimate Government Now
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Keywords:A Response to Ramzy Baroud’s “Non-Violence in Palestine”
Anis Hamadeh
AA-ADC Calls on Obama Administration to Assert International Law with Netanyahu
Keywords:Abbas and the Goldstone Report: Our Shame is Complete
Ramzy Baroud
Keywords:Abbas Needs a Miracle
Ramzy Baroud
ADC Demands Immediate Investigation into Israeli Massacre at UN School in Gaza
ADC Files Complaints against US Tax Exempt Organizations Raisings Funds for West Bank Settlements
ADC’s Campaign Against Organizations Supporting Settlements in Jerusalem and Occupied Territor
Keywords:After Annapolis
Jewish Voice for Peace
After the assault on Gaza
Leonard Schwartz
AIPAC Vetos U.N. Resolution on Israeli Settlements U.S. Casts the Actual Ballot
Philip Giraldi
Keywords:Alternatives to Violence in Muslim History: Parallels to American Cases
Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad
Keywords:American Muslim Organizations Condemn Israeli Attacks on Gaza
American Muslims ask Congress to hear both sides of Mideast conflict
Keywords:American Politics, Terrorism and Islam - Part 5: Allegations of Israeli Terrorism
Habib Siddiqui
An American President and the outposts of Zion
Ben White
An Important Study: “Hamas: Ideological Rigidity and Political Flexibility”
S. Abdallah Schleifer
An Open Letter to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak
Anisa Abd el Fattah
Keywords:An Open Letter to President Obama From the Free Gaza Movement
Annapolis Hypocrisy Hides Occupied Palestine Reality
Stephen Lendman
Annapolis peace summit faces major challenges
Ray Hanania
Annapolis: Same old, same old – Israel wins again
Jim Miles
Another Good Year for the Undertaker?
Gila Svirsky
Keywords:Arab Extremists’ Logic Calls for Annihilation of Arabs in the Holy Land
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Keywords:Arab Labor: A humorous sitcom that turns tragedy into understanding
Ray Hanania
Arab-Israeli government restrictions on journalism promote hate
Ray Hanania
Arabs driven by biases that mirror Israeli biases
Ray Hanania
Archbishop of Canterburys’s statement on Gaza
Dr. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury
Are Israeli Policies Entrenching Anti-Semitism Worldwide?
Dr. Tony Klug
Keywords:Ashamed of American Christian abandonment of their faith
Ray Hanania
Keywords:Balfour Declaration of 1917
Beit Hanoon, Gaza - Eyewitness account
Ewa Jasiewicz
Benjamin Netanyahu: Then and Now
James J. Zogby
Bethlehem: O Little Town of…Eye Openers
Jeff David & Linda Holtzman
Beyond Gaza: An Abrahamic Peace
Rabbi Arthur Waskow
Biden Condemns Israeli Defiance and Settlement Expansion
Keywords:BOOK REVIEW Refusenik! Israel’s Soldiers of Conscience (Peretz Kidron)
Mark Chmiel
Keywords:BOOK REVIEW: “Blood and Religion” (Jonathan Cook)
Stephen Lendman
BOOK REVIEW: “Once Upon a Country: A Palestinian Life” (Sari Nusseibeh)
Andreas Pflitsch
BOOK REVIEW: Israeli Exceptionalism: The Destabilizing Logic of Zionism (M. Shahid Alam)
Elaine C. Hagopian
BOOK REVIEW: Lords of the Land - The War Over Israel’s Settlements in the Occupied Territorie
Jim Miles
Book Review: Mornings in Jenin (Susan Abulhawa)
Ray Hanania
Keywords:BOOK REVIEW: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe
Stephen Lendman
BOOK REVIEW: The Palestinian Hamas – Vision, Violence, and Coexistence (Mishal and Sela)
Jim Miles
Book Review: Kai Wiedenhöfer: Wall
Anis Hamadeh
Book Review: The Arabs: A History (Eugene Rogan)
Ray Hanania
Both Israel and Hamas share blood stained policies in Gaza war crimes
Ray Hanania
Keywords:Bush Administration Asked to Call for Halt to Israeli Dig in Jerusalem
Keywords:Bush’s Real Agenda in Palestine
Ramzy Baroud
Bush’s visit to the Middle East: triumph of form over substance
Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
CAIR asks Sec. Rice to help Tennessee family trapped in Gaza
CAIR Refutes Wiesenthal Center’s ‘False Claims’ on Muslim Cemetery - Museum of Tolerance
Keywords:Call for U.S. to Support Joint Ceasefire, End its Support of Occupation, Stop Escalation of Violence
Jewish Voice for Peace
Catastrophe in Gaza - How Can the Cycle of Violence Be Stopped?
Sheila Musaji
Causes and Consequences of Our Foreign Policy in the Middle East and What It Means for Americans
Karen Kwiatkowski
Challenges of the Yeshiva Massacre: Who Hi-Jacked Hamas?
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Children of Gaza, Run to the Angels
Suzanne Baroud
Chomsky on Oil and the Israel Lobby
M. Shahid Alam
Keywords:Christian Born Again Zionists
Keywords:Christian Coalition of America: Meet the New Zionists
Keywords:Christian Fundamentalists Driving Mid East Policy
Keywords:Christian Zionism: An Historical Analysis and Critique, John Hubers
Keywords:Christian Zionists
Keywords:Christians Also Battle For Palestinian Side
Christians Call for a Shared Jerusalem
Christians of the World Should Be Ashamed
Keywords:Churches for Middle East Peace Call for Coexistence in Jerusalem
COLLOQUIUM Abrahamic Model and the Future of Zionism - Part I
Keywords:COLLOQUIUM Abrahamic Model and the Future of Zionism - Part II
Keywords:COLLOQUIUM Abrahamic Model and the Future of Zionism - Part III
Keywords:Compassionate Oppression: Subjugating Your Inferiors with a Human Touch
T.D. “Daddy” Rice
Controlling the Debate on Palestine, Israel
Ramzy Baroud
Keywords:Criminals of the Cloth
Critique of Zionism: In Order to be a Realist, You Must Believe in Miracles (Micha Brumlik)
Michael Brenner
Cry of Palestinian Christians
Crying for Yee Oh Little Town of Bethlehem
Saffiya Shillo
Daniel Pipes Strange Understanding of Radical Religious Ideological Movements
Sheila Musaji
Dead on Arrival: One Secular State for All the Peoples of the Holy Land
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Demonization of ‘the other’ Must Stop to Achieve Arab-Israeli Peace
Dr. Tony Klug
Demonology in Gaza: Epistemological and Agnotological Sources of Ummatic Kufr
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Denying Palestinians Free Movement in the West Bank
Stephen Lendman
Dignitaries on The SS Dignity Sailing to Gaza
Disappointing Shame
Dr. Hesham Hassaballa