Articles by Category: Muslim Minorities
‘Burn Quran Day’ an outrage to Muslims
Akbar Ahmed
Keywords:‘Wahhabism’ in India
Yoginder Sikand
“Let him who is without sin cast the first stone” ( John 8:7)
Dr. Abdul Cader Asmal
Keywords:“Obsession” - Happy Ramadan: “The Third Jihad” - Happy Eid
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:“The Killing Fields” and the Rohingya of Burma
Muhamed Sacirbey
“The Mosque in Morgantown” to air June 15 on PBS stations nationwide
“Denmark and Islam: Facts and Fiction.”
Bertel Haarder
Keywords:“Obsession” is a Shallow Fear-Mongering Propaganda Piece
Junaid M. Afeef
Keywords:“To Bigotry No Sanction”
Rabbi Arthur Waskow
Keywords:A call to protect religious freedom in China
Zahed Amanullah
Keywords:A Critique of the Terms Dar ul-Islam, Dar ul-Kufr and Dar ul-Harb
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan (tr. Yoginder Sikand)
A Dialogue in Hell
Farish A. Noor
A Different Jammu that I Know
Yoginder Sikand
Keywords:A Long History of Injustice Ignored - Introduction
Sheila Musaji
A Long History of Injustice Ignored: Palestine
Mazin Qumsiyeh
Keywords:A Long History of Injustice Ignored: Rohingya: The Forgotten People of Our Time
Dr. Habib Siddiqui
Keywords:A Long History of Injustice Ignored: The Smashing of Chechnya - Notes
Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
Keywords:A Long History of Injustice Ignored: Muslims of Chechnya
Omer bin Abdullah
Keywords:A Long History of Injustice Ignored: The Moros of the Philippines
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:A Long History of Injustice Ignored: The Muslims of China -updated 7/28/09
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:A Long History of Injustice Ignored: The Muslims of Myanmar (Burma)
Harun Yahya
Keywords:A Long History of Injustice Ignored: The Muslims of Southern Thailand
Farish A. Noor
Keywords:A Long History of Injustice Ignored: the Muslims of the Balkans - Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia
Harun Yahya
Keywords:A Long History of Injustice Ignored: The Smashing of Chechnya - Part I to IV
Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
Keywords:A Long History of Injustice Ignored: The Smashing of Chechnya Part V and VI
Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
Keywords:A Synagogue in Fayetteville - Mazel Tov, Mabruk!
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:A Tale of Two Dinners
Javeed Akhter
About the Moriscos
Prof. Vincent Barletta
ADC LEOP Continues to Lead Fight Against Ignorance and Intolerance
Advisory: U.S. Muslim Travelers Warned of ‘Forced Exile’
Keywords:Advocating Rights of Muslims in India: Problems and Challenges
Yoginder Sikand
Ali, Anwar - Interview On the Marginalised Muslim Front in India
Yoginder Sikand
Aliyah/Hijra: Should All Muslims “Go Home”?
Dr. Robert D. Crane
All God’s Children in the Month of Ramadan
Rev. Dr. Marie M. Fortune
Keywords:AMANA issues a statement against any violence against “Burn a Qur’an” demonstration
Keywords:America’s Ideals Are Being Challenged By Cordoba House Controversy - updated 9/1/10
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:American Muslims and the 2008 Presidential Elections: Policy Recommendations
Dr. Muqtedar Khan
Keywords:American Muslims eight years after 9/11
Abdus Sattar Ghazali
American Muslims must defend the Constitution of the United States
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:An emerging generation of socially-engaged Indian Ulema
Yoginder Sikand
Keywords:ANC Policy Statement on the Peoples of Arakan shows lack of Foresightedness
Dr. Habib Siddiqui
Keywords:Answering Questions from American Muslims
Grand Mufti of Egypt, Shaykh Ali Gomaa
Anti Muslim Rhetoric Reaching a Dangerous Level
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Anti-Islamic Movements in Germany: “Islamophobic – and Proud of It”
Claudia Mende
Keywords:Beggars in Hijab in the Heart of Eurabia
M. Muqtedar Khan
Book Announcement: American Islam: The Struggle for the Soul of a Religion (Paul M. Barrett)
Book Announcement: Islam and the Blackamerican (Sherman Jackson)
Book Announcement: Islam in Tibet (ed. Gray Henry)
Book Announcement: The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf: A Novel (Mohja Kahf)
BOOK REVIEW: “The Grand Jihad - How Islam and the Left Sabotage America” (Andy McCarthy)
Aziz Poonawalla
Keywords:Book Review: Islam and Education—Conflict and Conformity in Pakistan ’s Madrassahs
Yoginder Sikand
Bridge Betrayed: Religion and Genocide in Bosnia (Michael Sells)
Keywords:Building Bridges and Interfaith Harmony - India-Pakistan Trip Report
Iftekhar Hai
Burning the Book
Rev. Frank Julian Gelli
Keywords:Burning the Quran
Jeff Siddiqui
Keywords:Carnage in Mumbai
Jeff Siddiqui
Keywords:Challenge and Response: The Case of Islamophobic Wilding
Keywords:Challenges to Liminality: Shared Hindu-Muslim Shrines in Karnataka, South India
Yoginder Sikand
China Shaping Its Soul in Tibet and Xinjiang
Muhammad Sacirbey
Keywords:Clarion Fund to Inject Millions in November Elections Throgh Iran Mushroom-Cloud Propaganda
Richard Silverstein
Keywords:Communal Politics Climax and Downfall
Asghar Ali Engineer
Controversy Over Khalil Gibran Academy and Debbie Almontaser - updated 3/12/10
compiled by Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Cordoba House - Yes!: Park51 - No Way? - updated 2/6/2013
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Cordoba House versus Team B: Key to the Global 21st Century
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Keywords:Cordoba House: Hope From the Ashes of Tragedy - updated 9/12/10
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Countering Pakistani terrorists’ anti-India propaganda
Maulana Waris Mazhari
Keywords:CSID Statement Against Bigotry and Ignorance
Keywords:Daniel Pipes, Islam 2.0 and Islamophobia 3.0 - updated 3/25/11
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:David Horowitz and the Freedom Center - updated 6/6/2013
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:David Horowitz’ Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, An Idea Whose Time Has Passed
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Dear Mr. President, are we still within the bounds of reasonable discourse?
Sheila Musaji
Delhi Bomb Blasts and the Lashkars Jihadist Agenda
Yoginder Sikand
Detained for being “Muzlem”!
Jeff Siddiqui
Keywords:Elected Representatives & Government Officials Who HAVE Questioned Islamophobia
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Erasing “Allah” In Churches And Mosques
C.M. Naim
Keywords:European Muslims are now getting the same treatment Jews had a century ago
Maleiha Malik
Evidence, and Other Omissions
Jeremy Henzell-Thomas
Keywords:Film Review: “Amreeka” (Cherien Dabis) - From the West Bank to Small-town America
Rasha Khayat
Keywords:Five steps to burning books
Rabbi Arthur Waskow
Keywords:For India and Islam: Maulana Azad’s Vision of Religious Pluralism
Yoginder Sikand
Keywords:For Shame! Fear Is Back, with a Vengeance
James Zogby
Keywords:Fort Hood and Swiss Minarets: The Existential Problem of Scorpions in a Bottle
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Keywords:Frank Gaffney’s Obsession with Sharia - updated 4/29/2012
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Franklin Graham’s continuous public statements characterizing Islam as evil condemned
Keywords:Free Republic Readers Comment on Anti-Muslim Rhetoric
Sheila Musaji
French Fatwa Prohibits Rioting, Urges Calm
Keywords:FRENCH RIOTS - collection of articles
collected by Sheila Musaji
Geller, Spencer, & the Cordoba House: Fear and Loathing in New York - updated 9/13/10
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Hindu-Muslim unity: a historical speech by a leading Deobandi maulvi
Yoginder Sikand
Hindutva and Adivasi Conversions to Hinduism in Madhya Pradesh
Yoginder Sikand
Hisb al Tahrir Again in the News: Should it be Banned as a Totalitarian Threat?
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Keywords:Homegrown Radicals: Complacency is not an Option
Parvez Ahmed
Keywords:Illinois congressional candidate uses racism against Palestinians to get votes
Ray Hanania
Keywords:Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah’s Shooting to be Investigated by DOJ - updated 4/6/10
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:IMC-USA condemns Jaipur blasts; Demands transparent investigation of the incident
Keywords:India: Delhi Blasts, Time to go Beyond Condemnations
Mirza A. Beg
Keywords:India: Democracy, Parochialism and Peace
Asghar Ali Engineer
India: Multi-religious democracy and its challenges
Asghar Ali Engineer
India: Skewed Media Approach to Terrorism
Yoginder Sikand
Keywords:India: Terrorising Muslims in the Name of Countering Terrorism
Yoginder Sikand