Articles by Category: Islam In America And The West
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The Dickensian Decade
Hasan Zillur Rahim
The Difference!
Dr. James J. Zogby
The Dogmatic Mind
Tariq Ramadan
Keywords:The Entire Political Class in France Has Got It Wrong
Prof. Tariq Ramadan
The Evil Muslim Bus Driver Story That Wasn’t
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:The Faculty of Islamic Studies in Sarajevo: Seat of Knowledge and Mediator between the Cultures
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schreiner
Keywords:The Gaffney Report aka ‘The Return of Dr Strangelove’
Abdul Cader Asmal
Keywords:The GOP Anti-Muslim Limbo: How Low Can They Go?
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:The Importance of the American/Western Muslim voice
Robert Salaam
Keywords:The Islam I Accepted
Tariq Nelson
The Islamic Threat to Europe: By the Numbers
Kristoffer Larsson
The Joy Of Islam
Dr. Hesham A. Hassaballa
The language of the “guts” and racism
Tariq Ramadan
Keywords:The Last Of The Muslim Republicans
Dr. Hesham Hassaballa
The liberal dilemma: integration or vilification?
Tariq Modood
Keywords:The Mission of Imams in America: Marginalizing Extremists by Revealing the Real Truth About Muhammad
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Keywords:The MM-Factor: Who is the moderate Muslim?
Abukar Arman
Keywords:The name “Shabazz”: Where did it come from? *
Yahya Monastra
The Natural Law of Compassionate Justice: A Missing Dimension of Religion in the Public Square
Dr. Robert Dickson Crane
The Paradigmatic Revolution of Common Ground
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Keywords:The Paranoid and Abhorrent Obsession with Muslims in the Media
Jeremy Henzell-Thomas
The Pathologisation of Muslims in Europe
Farish A. Noor
Keywords:The Pendulum Swings Further to the Right
Javeed Akhter
Keywords:The Politically Incorrect Guide to Robert Spencer - updated
Sheila Musaji
The Prom without Boys: Muslim teenagers remake an American rite of passage
Anju Mary Paul
The Reign of Evil: A Spiritual Perspective
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Keywords:THE RIOTS IN FRANCE: Reaction or cry for help?
Moin Ansari
The rise of anti-Muslim violence, domestic extremism and double standards
Keywords:The Rise of Intolerance Against Muslim Americans
Salam al Marayati
Keywords:The Role of People of Conscience in Cultivating Peace and Preventing Human Rights Abuse
Abukar Arman
The Social and Political Implications of Religious Fundamentalism
Barrister Hameed Bashani
The Strange Case of Usama Hasan
Mohammad Fadel
Keywords:The Tender Touch of the Seattle Police
Jeff Siddiqui
Keywords:The tragedy of monotheism
Rabia Terri Harris
Keywords:The Twilight Zone
Sophia Rose Shafi
Keywords:The Use and Abuse of Religion
James Zogby
Keywords:Themes from the Holy Quran Seen Through Native American Eyes *
Maria Abdin
Through the Looking Glass: Despite Popular Belief, Islam’s Not The Grinch That Stole Christmas
Shahed Amanullah
Keywords:Through the Looking Glass: Halloween, A Christian, American Holiday?
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Through the Looking Glass: Undoing A Character Assassination of American Muslim Organizations
Shahed Amanullah
Keywords:Through the Looking Glass: ISNA Thugs? (2005 ISNA Convention)
Sheila Musaji
To Be A European Muslim (Tariq Ramadan)
Keywords:Tolerance, Diversity, or Integration: Time to Choose
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Keywords:Too Hot To Be Halal
Sarah Klein
Treating Christmas with Respect
Abdul Malik Mujahid
Truly Interest Free in the United States
Liaquat Ali
Trusting Muslim Americans is Good for US Security
Javeed Akhter, MD
Keywords:Twenty Canadian Muslim Organizations Urge ‘Zero Tolerance’ for Domestic Violence
Keywords:U.S. Jews, Muslims must look forward, not back
Salam Al-Marayati
Keywords:U.S. Muslim & Arab Groups Urge Vigilance Following Latest NY Terror Case
Unconscious or Conscious?: Futile Rivals of Allah *
Simon Tunstall
Understanding Isam: The Other Blind Men and the Elephant
Imam F. B. Rasheed
US Arabs and Muslims: The Search for Common Identity
Ramzy Baroud
Violence as a two-way solution
Jeff Siddiqui
Keywords:Virginia Tech Shooting: It’s “Deja Vu All Over Again”
Dr. Hesham A. Hassaballa
Waging Culture Wars on Women’s Bodies
Asma Afsaruddin
Keywords:Waging Memetic Warfare on Tricky Terrain
Dr. Robert D. Crane
Was Obama Ramadan Iftar a Cover for secret Buddhist Leanings?
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Washington Times Publishes ILDC Director’s Response to Gaffney’s Incitements Against ISNA
Keywords:We Need An Intelligent Response to Islamophobia
Farish A. Noor
Keywords:Western Converts to Islam: Finding the inner Muslim prince
Eric Walberg
Western Muslims and the Future of Islam (Tariq Ramadan)
Keywords:What Books Shall We Burn Now?
Rabbi Arthur Waskow
Keywords:What exactly is required to be considered a “moderate” Muslim?
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:What Lebanon can teach the U.S. about religious tolerance
David Samel
Keywords:What You Can Do To Respond to Obsession DVD
Sheila Musaji
When A Cultural Paradigm is Divisive: Building a Strong Muslim Community
Amad Shakur
When You’re a Statistic - How Do You Respond?
Hamza Yusuf
Keywords:Who is behind Relentless, Obsession and The Third Jihad? - Updated 11/19/10
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Who is Rashid Khalidi and why is he a factor in the presidential election?
Ray Hanania
Who’s afraid of (Muslim) women?
Rev. Frank Julian Gelli
Keywords:Why Black American Muslims Don’t Stand for Justice - Part 1
Abdur-Rahman Muhammad
Why Black American Muslims Don’t Stand for Justice - Part 2
Abdur-Rahman Muhammad
Why Black American Muslims Don’t Stand For Justice - Part 5
Abdur-Rahman Muhammad
Why Black American Muslims Don’t Stand for Justice - Part 3
Abdur-Rahman Muhammad
Why Black American Muslims Don’t Stand for Justice - Part 4
Abdur-Rahman Muhammad
Why Do They Hate Us? - TAM article collection - updated 12/26/10
Sheila Musaji
Keywords:Why Is France Burning? The Rebellion of a Lost Generation
Doug Ireland
Why Not Voting May Be a Sin For Muslims
By Abdul Malik Mujahid
Keywords:Wikipedia and Depictions of the Prophet Muhammad: The Latest Inane Distraction
Jeremy Henzell-Thomas
Wikipedia, Prophet Muhammad, and Muslims in need of Islam 101
Sheila Musaji
Will Islamic Reformation Ever Come?
Ali Eteraz
Will Islamophobes Be Allowed to Obtain Their Ultimate Goal?
Dr. Abdul Cader Asmal
Will John McCain have the decency to apologize to American Muslims?
Mike Ghouse
Winning Muslim Hearts and Minds Must Begin at Home - In America
Sarwar Kashmeri
Women’s Dress in the West and Islam: Moral and Practical Implications
Dr. David Rabeeya
Yvonne Ridley’s Spiritual Odyssey
Hasan Zillur Rahim