“Today I Am a Muslim Too” Rally in Times Square
Posted Mar 6, 2011

“Today I Am a Muslim Too” Rally in Times Square

by Sheila Musaji

Today, Russell Simmons led a demonstration in Times Square to protest upcoming Congressional hearings on radicalization within the Muslim community, arguing that the hearings threaten to single out one religious group unfairly. **

Estimates vary from about 500 to 1,000 people who turned out for this demonstration in spite of heavy rain

The demonstration was called ‘Today I am a Muslim Too” and was organized by a coalition of over 75 interfaith, nonprofit, governmental, and civil liberties groups. **

The program began with the singing of the US national anthem by Anam Chaudhry, a 17-year-old opera student and Pakistani immigrant who pointedly wrapped herself in an American flag. **

“It’s our job to stand up and protect them because if they go, we’re next—blacks, Jews.” Russell Simmons

“The rights that we take for granted for ourselves are only as good if we fight for those same rights for others.” Russell Simmons

“To single out Muslim-Americans as the source of homegrown terrorism and not examine all forms of violence motivated by extremist belief, that my friends is an injustice.” Rabbi Marc Schneier, president of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding

American Muslims are loyal Americans “also concerned about radicalism.”I call on Mr. King to “to hold hearings into radicalism and not into Muslims.” Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf

“My concern is that if the perception that in the Arab-Muslim world that Muslims are under attack, the perception among the youth here that Muslims are under attack by their own members of Congress, by their own government, this helps radicalize people. And we need to reverse that cycle of radicalization.  That is why I suggest if he wants to have hearings, have it around radicalization and extremism, because that’s our common enemy.”  Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf

“I am a Muslim but I love this country as much as any Christian or Jew loves his country.  We are here today because we love this country. We are here today because we want to see America remain the most powerful and the most beautiful country in the world.”   Imam Shamsi Ali

“I want to say to the Peter Kings of the world: We will not take your xenophobic behaviour.” Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN) (one of two Muslims in Congress)

“You Peter King as a Congressman should know better. You Peter King are responsible to represent everyone in your district. You have Muslims in your district also. Shame on you Peter King for doing this.”  NY Councilman Daniel Dromm

“Targeting one community takes us back to an era similar to what happened with the Japanese after World War II, what happened under the McCarthy era. We’re spreading fear and hatred rather than tolerance and justice.”  DRUM Executive Director Monami Maulik


In addition to the physical rally in Times Square, Russell Simmons, Sean “Diddy” Combs, Kim Kardashian, Rachel Roy and others unite on Twitter to create virtual rally in support of religious freedom.  **

“By making this a virtual rally artists, actors, fashion designers and other influencers, that are unable to attend the event in Times Square can help us reach tens of millions of other people with their following. It’s my prayer that this effort will start a process to eliminate the horrible sickness that is islamaphobia that is so prevalent in this country today.” Russell Simmons

Kim Kardashian, tweeted:  ‘Today I am a Muslim too’ **

Earlier in the day U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison and Rep. Peter King appeared on CNN.  Ellison said that he will “challenge the basic premise” of upcoming congressional hearings on domestic Islamic radicalization.  He said the hearings will fuel the idea that “America is at war with Islam.”  “I do agree we should deal with radicalization, and violent radicalization.”  He also said “It’s absolutely the right thing to do for the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee to investigate radicalization.  But to say we’re going to investigate a religious minority, and a particular one, I think is the wrong course of action to take.”  You can see video of this discussion on CNN here


A few blocks away, a smaller demonstration in favor of Rep. King’s hearings took place at the same time.  It was planned by the Liberty Alliance.

The tone of this demonstration was very different.

“I want to tell Imam Rauf and Imam Shamsi Ali and all of the rest of them up there that I am not a Muslim today,” Gilinsky said. “Yesterday I wasn’t a Muslim. Today I’m not a Muslim. I’m not going to be a Muslim for even 24 hours, Imam Rauf, and I’m not going to be a Muslim tomorrow. You will not convert me.” Beth Gilinsky of the Jewish Action Alliance

“We let our guard down.  We thought that we were so nice and people would come here and just become like us but you know what, people hate us for what we have.  What Congressman King is doing is phenomenal. That he has the guts, the fortitude to stand up and do this. He’s not against Islam. He’s not against Muslims. He’s against radicals, including those immigrants “coming in quietly and breeding up and implementing laws here and there,” while pledging allegiance to the Koran, rather than the American Constitution.”  Bill Byrne, member of 9/11 Hardhats

“And we’re requesting all Muslims—if you don’t help us we have no other option: we have to stop immigration of all Muslims. That should be our ultimate solution.”  “God bless America!”  Arish Sahani

I am attempting to obtain information about the Liberty Alliance, and have found little so far.  This snippetTim Brown, spokesman for Liberty Rocks, one of 28 organizations supporting Mr. King’s effort, under the umbrella group Liberty Alliance.  And, a press release by the Liberty Alliance which includes this list This press release is sponsored by the Liberty Alliance,  and is endorsed by the Coalition to Honor Ground Zero; Liberty Rocks; Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam; 9/11 Families for a Secure America; Blue Collar Corner, Sudan Freedom Walk; American Maronite Union, Indian American Intellectuals Forum; Namdaari Sikh Foundation; Center for Security Policy; Dr. Herbert London of the Hudson Institute; One Jerusalem; Secure America Now; Alliance for Iranian Women;  Caucus For America; Americans for Peace and Tolerance; Virginia Anti-Shariah Task Force; Traditional Values Coalition;  Faith McDonnell, Director of Religious Liberty Programs, Institute on Religion and Democracy; Center for Policy Research in American Education, Women United International; Alliance for Interfaith Resistance, Resist Jihad; United West;  Florida Security Council;  Americans for a Safe Israel; Shalom International; Act for America St. Louis, MO area; and many other organizations.   And, this from World Net Daily about the anti-Sharia demonstration in front of the White House this week: Meanwhile, a band of conservative organizations calling themselves the Liberty Alliance Coalition assembled in Washington’s Lafayette Park and denounced the attempt to advance Shariah in the United States.    The coalition is headed by Center for Security Policy Director Frank Gaffney.  ( I wrote about this pro-Sharia/anti-Sharia “event” on TAM in an article Anjem Choudary/Islamic Thinkers “March for Sharia” Does Not Represent American Muslims. )