The American Muslim (TAM) BIOGRAPHIES
Posted Feb 1, 2006

Along with our recent update to The American Muslim website, we are working on updating and expanding our BIOGRAPHIES ( ), and LINKS ( ) sections so that they will be a useful resource for research and reference.  The BIOGRAPHIES are in the “Topics” section, subheading “people”.

We are still working on cross referencing all entries by keywords so that it will be easy to search for individuals who are working in a particular field (e.g. Islamic studies, calligraphy, economics, film, etc.) or who are affiliated with a particular organization (e.g. ISNA, CAIR, etc.)  Many are already completed.

The biographies section will initially include American and Western Muslims who are active in Islamic work, or who are well known in their field, or who have received national or international recognition.  We will also include individuals whose names are familiar from the news, and therefore there may be an interest in knowing more about.

Please let me know if you have changes to your own bio, and if there are people who should be included but are not yet listed, and I would also appreciate any comments or suggestions for improvement.