Responses to Actual Extremist Statements & Incidents of Extremism or Violence BY Muslims - replaced
Posted Feb 25, 2010

Responses to Actual Extremist Statements & Incidents of Extremism or violence BY Muslims


NOTE:  We have had as part of our Muslim Voices against Terrorism and Extremism resources a section on responses to Islamophobia.  This was in five parts:  - Responses to Claims Made ABOUT Islam and Muslims in General - Responses to Claims Made ABOUT Qur’an Verses, Arabic Terms, Prophet Muhammad - Responses to False Claims ABOUT Muslim Individuals & Organizations & Incidents Involving Muslims - Responses to Actual Extremist Statements & Incidents of Extremism or violence BY Muslims - Responses to Claims Made BY Specific Individuals and Organizations About Muslims.  Because of a restriction in the possible length of articles, we were unable to organize these in a more user-friendly manner.  Our webmaster has now resolved this problem.

We have combined all these five sections into one section.  The entries are alphabetical, and it should now be much easier to locate a response to a particular issue, incident, or individual.  In order to keep load time down for our readers, this single resource will still be divided into two sections:  A to L, and M to Z.  Sheila Musaji 3/5/2010.

We will leave this section online, but it has now been replaced by the new resource.

compiled by Sheila Musaji

Last updated 2/25/2010

(This is an effort to collect these, but it is certainly not comprehensive.  If you know of any other statements that should be here, please send an email to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

7/7 bombings in London [1] (Dr. Hesham A. Hassaballa), [2] (Anisa Abd el Fattah), [3] (Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf),  [4] (Shahed Amanullah), [5], [6] (Assoc. of Muslim Lawyers)

9/11 [1] (American Muslim organizations) see also fatwas and terrorism - there were thousands of statements.

- Afghan family law bill [1] (MPAC) [2] (Rafia Zakariah)
- Afghan government death sentence against Abdul Rahman, a convert to Christianity [1] (Abdurahman Wahid) see also apostasy, and Taliban

Abdurrahman Alamoudi [1], [2]  (Shahed Amanullah)

Anwar al-Awlaki’s Praise for Fort Hood Shooter [1] (Muslim Organizations), [2] (Aziz Poonawalla)

Sheik Muhammad Al-Gamei’a, the former Imam of the Islamic Cultural Center of New York bigoted statement [1] (Muqtedar Khan)

Sheik Taj Aldin al-Hilali statement about improperly dressed women [1] (Firas Ahmad)

Abu Hamza al-Masri [1] (Inayat Bunglawala), [2] (Shahed Amanullah), [3] (Yusuf Smith) see also al-Muhajiroun

al-Muhajiroun extremist group led by Omar Bakri [1] (Shaikh Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti), [2] (Shahed Amanullah), [3] (Inayat Bunglawala)  -  Al-Muhajiroun disrupt London parade [4] (Yusuf Smith), [5] (Yahya Birt), [6] protest in London (Inayat Bunglawala)

Al-Qaeda generally [1] (Aisha Chowdury), [2] (CAIR), [3] (Soumaya Ghannoushi), [4] (Hesham Hassaballa)

Al-Qaeda Suicide Bombing of Mosque in Pakistan: [1] (Arab News editorial)  -  Al-Qaeda call to greet Pres. Bush with bombs in Palestine - [2] (Imam Sayed Moustafa Al-Qazwini) rejects this

Yusuf al Qaradawi’s statement approving of suicide bombings by Palestinians [1] (Abdul Malik Mujahid)

Anti-Semitism [1] (Haris Aziz), [2] (Tariq Ramadan), [3] (Harun Yahya), [4] (Ali Eteraz)

Apostasy and freedom of faith [1] (TAM Article Collection) - Apostasy case in Afghanistan [2] (Irfan Yusuf), [3] (Ali Eteraz)

Arkansas recruiting center shooting [1] (Robert Salaam)

Mohammad Ashraf of ISNA Canada’s challenge to Laleh Bakhtiar’s Qur’an translation [1] (Sheila Musaji), [2] (Ingrid Mattson)

Sheikh Omar Bakri [1] (Inayat Bunglawala) see also al Muhajiroun

Bali bombings [1] (Yusuf al Qaradawi)

Beating of Anglican clergyman Michael Ainsworth in Britain [1] -  beating of Jewish Rabbinical assistant in Brooklyn [2] (CAIR)

Beslan massacre in Russia [1] (Yusuf Islam), [2] (Muslim Brotherhood),  grand Mufti of Chechnya declares a Jihad against terrorists [3], [4] (Dr. Robert D. Crane)

Benazir Bhutto assassination - [1] (Hesham A. Hassaballa),  [2] (MPAC),  [3] (ISNA), [[4]] (Imam Yahya Hendi) see also Pakistan

Osama bin Laden [1] (Abdal Hakim Murad) -  fatwas against OBL [2], [3]  -  condemned by Pres. Muhammad Khatami of Iran [4/, [5] (Dr. Abdul Cader Asmal), OBL’s “fatwa” [6] (Shahed Amanullah), bin Laden’s letter to the American people [7] (Jihad el Khazen)

Bookstores selling extremist books [1] (Shahed Amanullah)

Cab drivers in Minnesota refusing to carry passengers with blind dogs [1] other drivers offered free rides, and [2] (Muqtedar Khan) - Cab drivers in Minnesota refusing to carry passengers with alcohol [3] (Mike Ghouse)

Howard Cain. Mr. Cain was killed by Philadelphia police on May 4, 2008, after an armed robbery which also resulted in the murder of Philadelphia police officer Stephen Liczbinski. Local mosque refused to have janaza prayers said at the mosque [1] (Germantown mosque) [2]

Cartoon controversy and violent protests [1] (Ibrahim Hooper), [2] (Khalil Bendib), [3], Extremist signs and posters at cartoon protest [4]

Anjem Chaudary [1], [2] (Inayat Bunglawala), [3] (Mehdi Hasan)

Dawa Net and dawa in public schools [1] (Sheila Musaji)

Darfur genocide claims [1][2], [3], [4] (ISNA)

Divorces given in anger (talak) [1] (Asghar Ali Engineer)

Domestic violence and abuse in the Muslim community [1] (TAM article collection),  [2] (Muslim men against domestic violence), - Fatwa against domestic violence [3] (Sh. Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah) - [4] (Khutbah by Sh. Hamza Yusuf) 

- Egypt bomb attack [1] (ISNA) 
-  Egypt’s wall of shame [2] (Sheila Musaji)
- Egypt & violence against Christian minority [3] (Sheila Musaji)
- Egypt & minority righs [4] (Sara Khorshid)

Extremist Fatwas
- Nigerian scholars fatwa calling for journalists death [1],
– Saudi fatwa against writers [2],
- extremist fatwas generally [3] (500 scholars signed) 
- MAS fatwa on cab drivers and alcohol [4] (Muqtedar Khan)
- Fatwa against cell phones [5]
- Fatwa against Taslima Nasrin in India [6], [6a] , [6b] (Deobandi Mufti’s criticize fatwa against her)
-  Malaysian fatwa against Yoga [7][7a] (Farish Noor). 
-  Saudi fatwa denouncing Hezbolla - [1] (Yaqub Shah) 
-  Saudi fatwa against political demonstrations [1], [2] (Khaled Hamid)
-  Saudi fatwa on wife beating [1] (Sabria Jawhar)

Extremist ideology [1] (Quilliam Foundation), [2] (Abukar Arman), [3] (Asghar Ali Engineer)

Extremist Imams [1] (British Council of Imams), [2] (Mona Eltahawy)

“Shaikh” Abdullah Faisal [1] (Yusuf Smith), [2] (Zahed Amanullah) see also Islamic Thinkers Society

Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam (NOI) [1] (Shahed Amanullah)

Fatwas against extremism and terrorism

Female genital mutilation, fatwas against [1] (International Muslim scholars including Mohammed Sayed Tantawi and Ali Gomaa, Grand Mufti of Egypt), [2] (Sheikh Omar Ahmed, Sweden), [3] (WISE)

Forced marriages [1], [2], [3] (Hana Shams Ahmed)

Fort Dix terror plot [1] (ISNA)

Fort Hood shooting tragedy [1] listing of condemnations by every major Muslim organization in America, [2] (Sheila Musaji) with extensive list of responses

French Riots over cartoons [1] (TAM article collection) - fatwa against [2], [3] (ISNA) 

Glasgow terror plot [1] (Islamic Medical Assoc. of N. America), [2] (ISNA)

Sheikh Haron, a fake Sheikh? [1]

Aasiya Zubair Hassan killing see honor killings

Sheikh Hilaly of Australia [1] (Irfan Yusuf)

Hizbut ut Tahrir extremist group [1] (Zahed Amanullah), [2] (Hesham Hassaballa), Muslims protest their Chicago conference [3], [4], [5] (Imran Khan), [6] (Zahed Amanullah)

Holocaust denial [1]] (Sheikh Hamza Yusuf), [2] (Hasan Zillur Rahim), [3] (Ibrahim Ramey), [4] (Masood Cajee)

Holocaust cartoon published by Arab European League (AEL)  [1] (Sheila Musaji)

Honor Killings
- [1] (Imam Zaid Shakir),  - [2] (Pamela Taylor), [3] (Dr. Hesham Hassaballa), [4]] (Mohammad Khaku), [5] (Dr. Aslam Abdullah)
-  fatwas against honor killings [6] (Grand Ayatollah Fadlallah), [7]]  (Muslim Council of Britain), [[8] (Muslim Womens League) 
- Aqsa Parvez murdered by her father for not wearing hijab [9] (Sheila Musaji), [9a] (Achelois), [9b] (Muslim Matters), [9c] (editorial), [9d]  (Shahed Amanullah)
- killing of Ghazala Khan in Denmark [10] (Rafia Zakariya)
- killing of Benaz Mahmod in London [11] (Rafia Zakaria)
- Killing of Sandeel Kanawala [12] (Melissa Robinson)
- The Killing of Aasiya Zibair Hassan:  An Open Letter to the Leaders of American Muslim Communities,  [13] ( Imam Mohamed Hagmagid Ali), [13a] (PFP), [13b] (Junaid Levesque-Alam), [13c] (Wajahat Ali) see also honor killings, domestic violence

Hostage taking and kidnapping - fatwas against [1] (Sheikh Farraz Rabbani), [2] Yusuf al Qaradawi)  - kidnapping of Clementina Cantoni in Iraq, fatwa issued against [3] - Kidnapping of Kate Burton in Gaza [4] (MCB) - Kidnapping of Norman Kember in Iraq [5] (MCB) - Taliban taking of Korean hostages in Afghanistan [6] - Kidnapping of Alan Johnston in Gaza [7] (Ramzy Baroud) - Kidnapping of Jill Carroll [8] (collection of statements), [9] (ICNA) -  kidnapping of two Fox News journalists, Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig in Palestine [10] (ISNA) - Kidnapping of Chaldean Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho in Mosul [11]9 (AAI)

Houses of Worship (churches, synagogues, temples) – fatwa that it is forbidden to harm even during war [1] (Sheikh Yusuf al Qaradawi), [2] (Indian scholars)
- Churches destroyed in Palestine [3] (CAIR)
- Synagogues destroyed in Gaza [4] (Hesham Hassaballa), [5] (Farhan Memon)
- Synagogue bombing in Tunisia [6] (Sheikh Yusuf al Qaradawi)
- Destruction of Hindu Temple in Lahore [7] (World Muslim Congress)
- Burning of Nigerian churches [8] (CAIR)
- Torching of Ahmadiyya Mosque in Indonesia [9] (Robert Salaam), [10] (Mike Ghouse)
- Protecting houses of worship [11] (Sheila Musaji)
- Attack on Christian church in Indonesia [12] (Mike Ghouse)

- “Zanan” Magazine closure in Iran [1] (Margot Badran)
- 15 detained British Sailors [2] (MCB)
- encouragement of muta marriages [3] (Ziauddin Sardar)
- Holocaust Denial Conference [4] (AAIUSA)
- Iranian repressive theocratic rule [5] (Irfan Yusuf)

Iraq - attacks on Christians in Mosul condemned [1] (ISNA)

Islam4UK extremist group [1] (Junaid Afeef)

Islamic Thinkers Society - hijacking of NY Muslim Day Parade [1] (Sheila Musaji)

Jewel of Medina publisher attacked [1]

Jewish Federation in Seattle Murders [1] (MPAC), [2] (AAIUSA), [3] (CAIR), [4]  (Dr. Hesham A. Hassaballa) 

Abdul Mukin Khalisadar, a criminal claimed by British National Party to be an Imam representing the Muslim community [1]

Lebanon bombing - misrepresentation in news photograph   (Jonathan Cooke) __Majlis, South Africa [1] (Sheila Musaji)__Malaysia:  _-  Malaysian judge ordering Christian paper to stop referring to God as Allah - [1] (Ali Eteraz), [2] (Farish A. Noor), [url=][3] (Sheila Musaji), [4] (Eric Winkel), [5] (Dr. Robert Crane), [6] (Chandra Muzaffar), [7] (C.M. Naim)
-  Malaysian Bible confiscation incident [6] (Farish A. Noor). 
-  Malaysian decision to enforce Shariah punishments on non-Muslims also who are involved with mixing of the sexes with Muslims [7] (Farish A. Noor). 
-  Malaysian sentencing of Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarnor to a fine and lashes for drinking beer [9]] (Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf),  [10] (Farish Noor),  [11] (Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf) 
-  Malaysian church bombings [12] (Anwar Ibrahim) 
-  Malaysian Muslim ‘cow head’ demonstration against Hindu Temple [13] condemned by Malaysian lawmakers,  [14] 
Mumbai bombings [1] (CAIR),  [2]  (Jeff Siddiqui)

-  Murder of Eugene Armstrong in Iraq [1] (CAIR), 
-  Murder of Nick Berg [2] (Shahed Amanullah), [2a], 
-  Murder of Margaret Hasan in Iraq [3] (CAIR), 
-  Murder of Paul Johnson in Saudi Arabia [4], [4a] (CAIR),  [4b] (Shahed Amanullah) 
-  Murder of Daniel Pearl [5] (Ali Khan), 
-  Murder of Theo Van Gogh [6], [[6a]]  (Zahed Amanullah)

multiculturalism aids terrorism claim (Yusuf Smith)

Muta marriages see Iran

Abdul Farouk Abdul Mutallab Detroit bomber [1] and [2] (Sheila Musaji)

Zakir Naik [1]  (A. Faizur Rahman)

- Amina Lawal death sentence for adultery [1] (Shahed Amanullah), [1a] (Nigerian scholars), Sharia court overturns decision [1b]
- Christian Muslim conflict [2] (Martin E. Marty)
- Nigerian Boko Haram group against secular education [3] (Mohammad Abdeljalil)

NYC Terror Plot [1] (Robert Dreyfuss), [2] (Robert Salaam), [3] (Eboo Patel), [4] (Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf)

Non-violence, Muslim Voices Promoting Islamic Non Violent Solutions - article collection

Jose Padilla case [1] (Shahed Amanullah), [2] (Zahed Amanullah)

-  rape case of Mukhtaran Mai [1] (CAIR-Can), [1a
-  St. Dominic’s Church Massacre [2]  (CAIR-CAN) 
-  Hindu man beaten to death for “blasphemy” [3] (Ali Eteraz), [3a] (Ishtiaq Ahmed) 
-  Lal Masjid (Red Mosque) crisis [4] (Rafia Zakaria) 
-  Car bomb at Danish Embassy in Islamabad [[5]] (Dr. Hesham Hassaballa) 
-  violence against Christians [6] (Junaid Afeef)
- suicide attack on Rawalpindi mosque [7] (Maryam Khan Ansari)
see also Taliban

Partitions in mosques separating men and women [1]

Aqsa Parvez see honor killings

PEW study on American Muslim attitudes [1] (Ingrid Mattson ISNA), [2] (Hesham Hassaballa), [3] (Shahed Amanullah),  [4] (Ali Eteraz)  [5], [6],

Qur’an & Hadith Against Extremism  - Hilali-Khan Qur’an translation [1] (Sheila Musaji), [2] (Dr. Robert D. Crane) - “New and revised” edition of Yusuf Ali’s translation [3] (Imad ad Dean Ahmad)

Quotes by Muslims against terrorism and extremism - A-K, and L-Z

Racism in Muslim community, Jihad against racism [1], [1a) (Sound Vision)

Radicalization in American Muslim community [1] (Parvez Ahmed)

Mujib Rahman’s NY City Council race [1] (Bassam Tariq)

Salman Rushdie death penalty fatwa [1] (Khalid Zaheer)

Saudi Arabia
- Saudi sentencing of rape victim - [1] (Faruq ‘Abd al Haqq, [2], (Mona Eltahawy), [3] Spirit 21, [4]> (Aisha Schwartz), [5] (David Liepert) 
-  Saudi Destruction of Muslim Historical Sites, [1] (Sheila Musaji),  [2] (Saeed Shehabi) 
-  Saudi father who married off his 8 year old daughter [1] (Khaled Hamed), [2] (A. Faizur Rahman), [3] (Hesham Hassaballa), [4] 
-  Saudi Forced divorce case - [1] (Aisha Schwartz) 
-  Saudi incident where schoolgirls burned alive - [1], [2]  (Ambreen Syed), [3] (Sheila Musaji) 
-  Saudi destruction of Hindu Temple in Riyadh and deportation of worshippers [[1]] (Dr. Hesham A. Hassaballa)

Shahpara Sayeed murder in Chicago [1] (Sound Vision), 

Derrick Shereef terror plot against Illinois mall [1]

Somali Piracy [1] (Abukar Arman)

Somalia stoning to death of Asha Ibrahim Dhuhulow, Condemnation [1]

Statements by Muslim organizations against terrorism and extremism

Statements and articles by individuals against extremism and terrorism

Sudan Teddy Bear incident - Sheila Musaji, Hasan Zillur Rahim, Ibrahim Hooper, Mirza Beg, MPAC-UK, Irfan Yusuf, Soumaya Ghannoushi, Osama Saeed, Mahir Ali

Sudanese journalist threatened with forty lashes by Sudanese authorities for having worn dress pants in a public place [1] (Rafia Zakaria)

Suicide bombing [1] (Dr. Maher Hathout), Suicide bombing in Demona [2] (Khaled Hamid) - fatwas against [3] (Sheikh M. Sayyed Tantawi), [4] (Dr. Hesham A. Hassaballa), [5] (Muqtedar Khan)

Tablighi Jamaat [1] (Zahed Amanullah)

-  destruction of Buddhist Statues [1] (Haroon Siddiqui), 1a (Islamic scholars), [1b] (Michael Young) 
-  Taliban ideology [2] (Laila al-Marayati) 
- Taliban’s attempt to enforce Jizya on Pakistani Sikhs[3] (Yoginder Sikand) 
- Taliban ban on girl’s education [4] (Shehla Anjum)
- Taliban wanting Hindus in Afghanistan to wear yellow badges [5] (Asghar Ali Engineer)
- Taliban and women [6] (Dr. Hassan Hathout)
- Taliban murder of Gayle Williams [7] (Ziauddin Sarwar)
- Taliban murder of Sitara Achakzai [8] (Kamran Pasha) -
- Taliban suicide bombing at the Jamia Naeemia mosque in Lahore [9] (Huma Yusuf) 
- Taliban murder of Sikhs in Peshawar [10] (Dr. Shah Alam Khan)
see also Pakistan & Afghanistan

Sulejman Talovic, Salt Lake City Mall murderer [1] (Hesham Hassaballa)

Tehrik-e Nifaz-e Shariah-e Muhammadi (TNSM) attempt to enforce Shariah in Swat [1] (Maulana Waris Mazhari)

Terrorism - resource collection of articles including fatwas, statements by individuals and organizations, etc. - Not in the name of Islam ads [1] (CAIR)

Train bombing in India [1] (MCB)

Tunisian hijab ban [1] (ISNA)

Undercover mosque documentary and extremist Imams [1] (Sheila Musaji)

Violence against women in Muslim societies [1] (Irfan Yusuf)

Wahhabi’s [1] 

Wikipedia entry with pictues of Prophet Muhammad protested by some [1] (Sheila Musaji), [2] (Br. Yursil)

WMD’s illegal [1] (Mohammed Khatami)

Khalid Yasin exposed 1

Yeshiva massacre in Jerusalem by Hamas [1] (Dr. Robert D. Crane)

ISLAMOPHOBIA - RESPONSES (The responses section was divided into five sections on 12/16/07, and these sections were updated in 4/08)
- Responses to Claims Made ABOUT Islam and Muslims in General
- Responses to Claims Made ABOUT Qur’an Verses, Arabic Terms, Prophet Muhammad 
- Responses to False Claims ABOUT Muslim Individuals & Organizations & Incidents Involving Muslims
- Responses to Actual Extremist Statements & Incidents of Extremism or violence BY Muslims
- Responses to Claims Made BY Specific Individuals and Organizations About Muslims

and our full Resource Collection which includes large collections of articles on many different topics.