POETRY:  Stations of Galaxies
Posted Jul 20, 2004

Stations of Galaxies

I do not swear by the stations of galaxies

For a question unveils the secret of oath

Does the moon in splendor forever glimmer?

And doesn?t it from complete form recoil to a crescent?

The sun at noon with brilliance shines

But sinks in reddish orange at a distant horizon

The stars illumine a darkness of intense depth

But fade from the view of earthly life

Pyramids stoutly stand with magnificent posture

But are immensely below the nearest cloud

Abraham exclaims revolt at vanishing splendor

Affirming that God is without twilight

I do not swear by the stations of galaxies

For being is conditional on Almighty God

The tallest wave on the shore?s sand breaks

Yielding to numbers of succeeding waves

Michelangelo?s David stuns the viewing eye

Exceeded by the creations of other men of art

Both sea waves and earth bow to the Macedonian?s conquest

But death chooses to its side the finest general

Athena makes each citizen a member of the jury

But history?s indomitable verdict is that all have an end

I do not swear by the stations of galaxies

For finite life overwhelms all that lives