Pamela Geller Uncovers Islamist/Leftist Goebbels-Style Propaganda Machine
Posted Jul 29, 2011

Pamela Geller Uncovers Islamist/Leftist Goebbels-Style Propaganda Machine

by Sheila Musaji

Pamela Geller seems to be having some sort of psychological meltdown, as her raving is becoming more and more paranoid.  She posted an article The Islamic supremacists’ 9/11 spin

She says The leftist/Islamic machine is in full throttle leading up to the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11.  ...  They’re creating Goebbels-style propaganda websites and promotional videos, trying desperately for them to go viral.  She says that “jihadist propaganda websites” have been set up to implement this atrocity and that “There are many such initiatives.  ...  Let’s hope this trash doesn’t wind up in our schools.”

I’m an American Muslim, and this sounds like some pretty frightening group of extremist Muslims, and their enablers are out to something nefarious.  Who are these people who are creating this “Goebbels-style” propaganda and what are they planning?

One of these “dangerous extremist” websites that so concerns Geller is Prepare New York for the 10th Anniversary of September 11th

Who are they?  Prepare New York is a coalition of New York based interfaith organizations, including Auburn Seminary and its Center for Multifaith Education, Interfaith Center of New York, Intersections International, Odyssey Networks, Quest, and Tanenbaum and its Religion and Diversity Education Program, who have joined together to help create a city-wide climate that promotes healing and reconciliation in anticipation of the tenth anniversary of 9/11. September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows and 9/11 Community for Common Ground Initiative are serving as advisers to the multifaith organizations. 

What Goebbels-style plot are they hatching?  Prepare New York seeks to strengthen the social fabric of the city and serve as a model for other settings across the country by carrying out a comprehensive, multi-pronged effort to inspire New Yorkers to engage in the difficult but necessary dialogue about religious diversity, and give voice to the millions of our neighbors who are ready to move beyond hate and toward healing.

Who are the organizations working to carry out this dangerous scheme?  Intersections, The Tanenbaum Center, Odyssey Networks, Interfaith Center of New York, Quest, and Auburn.  All of these are interfaith groups working for healing and mutual understanding.

Another is Change the Story.

This is an initiative of Intersections.  Who are they?  Intersections is a new initiative that is dedicated to building respectful relationships among diverse individuals and communities to forge common ground and to develop strategies that promote justice, reconciliation and peace. We are a multi-cultural, multi-faith, global initiative of the Collegiate Church of New York, the oldest corporation in North America, dating back to 1628.

Oh my God, the Tanenbaum Center, the Collegiate Church of New York, and all these other Jewish and Christian interfaith groups are part of the grand conspiracy to enable the Islamist supremecists to undermine our country and destroy our way of life.  Somehow Muslims have infiltrated and subverted even such venerable institutions.

Her most scathing criticism is for the National September 11 Memorial Museum.  She says “The worst of this Shariah compliance is in the $600 million National September 11 Memorial and Museum, which New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg will dedicate this Sept. 11.”

All of this is a build up to rallying her supporters to join her for her own September 11th rally.

Geller and her partner Robert Spencer both see an awful lot that doesn’t exist anywhere except in their fevered minds.  The problem is that they pass these bigoted assumptions on to their readers as “facts”.  They are responsible for most of the false - what everyone “knows” ideas about Islam and Muslims that are causing so many to look at every Muslim with suspicion. 

This has been a busy week for Geller and Spencer as they also “discovered” that all rapists in Norway are Muslims and uncovered a nefarious plot by New York City cabdrivers to impose Sharia on America, as well as a vehicular jihad plot.  And, in the last month they discovered other devious Muslim plots - spit jihad, and employment jihad, and even marriage to important men jihad

Geller also discovered that Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic was some sort of Islamist stooge (in the past she has called him a “Jewicidal Jihadi”, and he received lots of emails from her supporters to which he appropriately responded with sarcasm:

Please, nutty people, leave my e-mail inbox alone! I’ve been flooded with mail from defenders of Pamela Geller, the shrieking bigot who thinks all Muslims are evil, that Muslims live under her bed, that Muslims short-sheeted her bed at summer camp, and so on. Here is one such letter:  Pamela Geller is right, you want to see America and Israel destroyed. Why do you love Muslims so much? Are you a secret Muslim?     You got me! I am a secret Muslim. Well, not a secret one anymore. I’m actually known in Occupied Palestine as Abu Tsuris. I was a summer intern with Hamas (in the press office) and I’m hoping to get my M.A. in Shari’a from al-Azhar University, where I also play for the lacrosse team.