Pamela Geller Event at Jewish Federation Cancelled - updated
Posted Jun 25, 2012

Pamela Geller Event at Jewish Federation Cancelled

by Sheila Musaji

On Saturday, I posted an article Islamophobia & Anti-Semitism:  Everything Old Is New Again in which I discussed what I consider to be striking similarities between these two forms of bigotry.  The article gives specific examples and references.  Here are a few points from that article directly relating to an event featuring Pamela Geller speaking on “Islamic Jew Hatred” which was sponsored by the ZOA, and held yesterday at the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles:

... Is there a similarity between Islamophobia and anti-Semitism?  I would hope that the answer is obvious after reading just the few examples listed above.  Perhaps, reading an article by Colm O’Broin listing 10 statements by Julius Streicher and 10 statements by Robert Spencer and their remarkable similarities would make this even more crystal clear.  Of course, the Islamophobes will either claim that Islamophobia doesn’t exist or that fear of Muslims is “reasonable”.   In fact, SIOE, the parent group of SIOA has as its motto “Racism is the lowest form of human stupidity, but Islamophobia is the height of common sense.” 
...  How is it possible that some in the Jewish community don’t see the parallels?  It is particularly shocking that there are members of the Jewish community among those engaged in demonization of the entire religion of Islam and of Muslims.  How is it possible that there is anyone in the Jewish community who is not more sensitive to this issue.  It would seem that they have seen where such demonization of a minority community can lead, especially when that is a religious minority, and that should make them more likely than anyone else to say loudly “never again” for anyone.

There would appear to be a Jewish component of the Islamophobia industry engaged in what Max Blumenthal calls a Great Islamophobic Crusade.  In regard to the production of “Relentless”,  “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War on the West” and “The Third Jihad” TAM published this article.  Richard Silverstein has written about who benefits, and has discussed the anti-Muslim propaganda during the last election cycle here, and the money trail between these groups here.  Pamela Geller a co-founder of the hate group Stop the Islamization of America (with Robert Spencer) is one of the most strident of this group.  Our TAM