Hizb-ut-Tahrir, part of the Muslim lunatic fringe - updated 6/12/12
Posted Jun 6, 2012

Hizb-ut-Tahrir, part of the Muslim lunatic fringe

by Sheila Musaji

Over the years we have published many articles about this particular lunatic fringe group, Hizb-ut-Tahrir (HB).  Thankfully, they don’t seem to have much of a following in the U.S., but they are still active in other countries.

Asad Kharal has written an article about their recent efforts in Pakistan.  He notes that although the group is banned by the government and openly states its objective of overthrowing the government and establishing a caliphate — nevertheless Yet the organisation seems to face no difficulty in disseminating its message to the public through posters, seminars, literature and even rallies. Hizb ut-Tahrir displayed hundreds of banners across the country in order to promote its nationwide “caliphate” rally on November 5, 2010. They have organised protests in front of the Lahore Press Club and even in parts of Islamabad.  Obviously, the ban is not being enforced.

And, on July 9, 2011, the British Hizb-ut-Tahrir group plans a UK Khilafah (Caliphate) Conference in London.  They have even prepared a video and set up a website advertizing this nonsense.  They seem to have a new tactic of using the internet and electronic media as a means to propogate their message, and this concerns me much more than their conferences. 

I am strongly in favor of free speech, and HT has not been banned in Great Britain or the United States, nevertheless I wish that there were some means within the law that could limit and counter their divisive and hostile message.

Last year when there was serious discussion about banning HT in Britain, Bob Crane wrote

Counsel for the defense, Yamin Zakaria, has penned an article, “Ruling by Islam in the UK”, published in .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and http://www.radical views.org, to give an intelligent defense of the Tahriris.  Unfortunately, he is defending an indefensible organization committed to a dangerous global mission of ideological totalitarianism.  The only difference between the caliphatic movements of the Hizb al Tahrir and of Osama bin Laden are that the Hizb al Tahrir does not openly call for the use of force as a means to destroy everyone who disagrees with them.

  The end game of the Hizb al Tahrir is to destroy the British culture and every other culture of freedom and democracy as its strategy to destroy capitalism.  This is the Hizb al Tahrir’s chosen strategy to counter the increasing concentration of wealth and therefore of political power in the world, which is the major cause of global terrorism. 

  Rather than reform the existing system, the Tahriris wants to totally destroy it.  Their vicious doctrine of the political Caliphate as the end goal of a clash of civilizations designed to bury everything Western would warrant a banning of the Hizb al Tahrir wherever it exists.  Its preference, however, for simply burying everything Western without violent warfare, like Khruschev’s threat to bury America a half century ago, might argue for its right freely to preach hatred as the essence of Islam, based on the doctrine, developed in confronting Communism a half century ago, whereby action not merely speech is required for law enforcement.

In 2009 when HB held a conference in Chicago, Hesham Hassaballa wrote

In their American debut, they could not even attract 1,000 people. This may have to do with their identity politics: they are all about “us vs them,” and this may resonate more with Muslim minority communities in Europe and elsewhere, where the Muslim minority - especially after 9/11 and with the rise of the right - has lately been under siege.

Yet in America, again, they have long remained marginal, and it may have to do with their past actions. I have long known those who claim to represent HT in America as disrespectful, disruptive rabble rousers who interrupt speeches, Friday sermons, and lectures - including my own. I remember how terribly disruptive they were at several ISNA conferences several years back, even locking arms and yelling out: “In il hukmu illa lillah,” or “Verily all sovereignty belongs to God,” during a lecture. When I was in college, members of HT were notorious at causing fights and disruptions at the local mosque, and it made going there a very unpleasant experience for me.

...  Yet, my distaste for Hizb-ut-Tahrir is not out of some personal vendetta because they interrupted my Friday sermons. Its actions are frequently counterproductive to the work of American Muslims in the greater society. Take the title of its Chicago conference as a prime example: “Fall of Capitalism and the Rise of Islam.” It seems to have been purposefully designed to evoke a visceral response of disgust from most non-Muslim Americans. It did just that, in fact, in me. In one fell swoop, the title both insults Western ideals and evokes fear of an Islamic “bogeyman” about to strike. Now, there is nothing wrong with criticising capitalism as an economic system - that is its right. Yet, Hizb-ut-Tahrir can show tact in how to deliver such a criticism, which clearly it did not.

Moreover, HT’s political philosophy is as counterproductive as its public actions. It claims that voting and civic participation is “haram,” or forbidden. How are Muslims supposed to fulfill their God-given obligation to improve the earth and society around them? HT’s answer is to separate from the kufr, or “infidel,” society. Separation and segregation will help no one, neither Muslims nor their non-Muslim neighbors, friends, and co-workers, who need more, not less, interaction with their Muslim compatriots. Moreover, I find it horribly ungrateful that HT would issue unending criticisms of Western society as “evil and decadent,” yet continue to enjoy the freedom said “evil and decadent” society accords them. If the West is so bad, why not leave?

Then there is the crux of their very existence: the re-establishment of the Caliphate. How is such a lofty goal to be achieved? Their answer to this question is elusive. And what is the Caliphate, anyway? Are we really supposed to work for the establishment of a “global Islamic government”? Who would be the Caliph? Where would the capital be? What are Muslims, born and raised in the West, to do if and when this Caliphate is established? Leave their homes, families, and lives? HT remains silent on these issues. I think Muslim activist and writer Junaid Afeef summed it up best when he said that the Caliphate is “an idea that we need to work toward justice and just society, one that’s ruled in a [manner] that promotes justice and equality to all people. That idea of a worldwide global empire run by a Muslim leader…it’s a farce.”

On its website, Hizb-ut-Tahrir claims it works to “cultivate a Muslim community that lives by Islam in thought and deed, whereby adhering to the rules of Islam and preserving a strong Islamic identity. The party does not work in the West to change the system of government, but works to project a positive image of Islam to Western society and engages in dialogue with Western thinkers, policymakers and academics.”  Yet, their actions, tactics, and past antics strongly belie this contention. When I learned of their conference and read its title, it came as no surprise that HT would do such a thing. And it brought to mind that age-old adage: with friends like these, who needs enemies?

HB had planned another U.S. conference in 2010, which was to have been titled ‘Emerging World Order: How the Khilafah Will Shape the World’ but fortunately it was cancelled after the Marriott cancelled their space reservation.

Javeed Akhter discussed the HB Caliphate dreams, and noted

...  The idea of the Caliphate resonates among some extremist youth like those attracted to groups like the Hizb ut-Tahrir.  The ideology of this group has the establishment of the Caliphate as its central goal.  The way they visualize this Caliphate to generate revenue and govern, which is expounded on their web site, is so naïve that it is laughable.  They may nevertheless attract Muslim youth who are frustrated at the status of the Muslim world and its leadership.

...  The idea of resurrecting the Caliphate, however, does not find any traction amongst mainstream Muslims.  “It’s like saying the Christians will be united under one banner,” says Akbar Ahmed a well known Muslim scholar. “It sounds nice, but whose banner will it be?”  In particular the possibility that a Shia dominated country like Iraq would be the base for an Islamic Caliphate with hegemony over a largely Sunni Islamic world would be considered by most experts to be extremely unlikely. Times have changed and the chances of any authoritarian empire like the Caliphates, whether Sunni or Shia or secular controlling the Muslim world simply are as good as the Chicago Cubs winning the “World series.”  Most of the larger Muslim majority countries like Indonesia, Turkey, Malaysia and Bangladesh, are already governed by democratic systems.  Iraq is on its way and given half a chance other countries would follow suit.  Democratic governance and not the Caliphate is the future of the Muslim world.

Omar Bakri Muhammad who was a long time leader of the British HB left the group and formed the even more radical Al-Muhajiroun group which mainstream British Muslim organizations denounced as part of the lunatic fringe back in 2001.

While the organisation claims to be non-violent, it has often been accused of aiding and abetting acts of terrorism.

UPDATE 6/6/2012

Robert Spencer recently posted a notice about another conference Hizb-ut-tahrir is planning in Chicago on June 17th.  in which he says What is especially noteworthy about this is that absolutely none of the self-professed “moderate” Muslim leaders in the U.S. will disavow Hizb ut-Tahrir or its goals.

Actually, he is wrong, Muslims have spoken out about this as you can see above.

Their 2012 conference is only a few weeks away, and yet, the only publicity they are getting is from Islamophobes like Spencer and his partner in the hate group SION, Pamela Geller.

UPDATE 6/12/2012

According to the Daily Herald

Organizers of the Khilafah Conference 2012, titled “Revolution: Liberation by Revelation — Muslims Marching Toward Victory,” have not yet found an alternate place to host it in the Chicago area, said a Hizb ut-Tahrir America spokesman.

There was a phone and email campaign to the Meadows Club in Rolling Meadows asking them not to allow the event. 

Meadows Club owner Madan Kulkarni said the club was bombarded with calls and emails, many of which warned there would be protests.

“Phone lines were starting to get jammed,” Kulkarni said, who added they are still getting “tons” of emails.

“With other events scheduled on that day and the possibility of protests, it was not the best position for us to be in. In this kind of economy, we can’t afford any picketing.”

Kulkarni consulted with the Rolling Meadows police chief but decided the cost of having police officers work overtime to provide additional security was too high. He said organizers agreed to his request to cancel the event, saying they did not want to inconvenience the club.



Al-Muhajiroun - British Extremists: “Trafalgar Square is our Mecca”, Shahed Amanullah http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/al-muhajiroun_-_british_extremists_trafalgar_square_is_our_mecca/

Al-Muhajiroun’s little helpers, Inayat Bunglawala http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/belief/2009/mar/11/protest-islam-mujahiroun-luton

Al-Muhajiroun - British Extremists: “Trafalgar Square is our Mecca”, Shahed Amanullah http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/al-muhajiroun_-_british_extremists_trafalgar_square_is_our_mecca/

Caliphate Anyone?, Farish A Noor http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/caliphate_anyone/

Anjem Choudary part of the Muslim Lunatic Fringe, Sheila Musaji http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/anjem_choudaryislamic_thinkers_march_for_sharia_does_not_represent_ame

Abdullah El Faisal, Revolution Muslim, and Islamic Thinkers Society, Sheila Musaji http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/abdullal_el_faisal_revolution_muslim_and_islamic_thinkers_society

Fatwa Against The Targeting Of Civilians by Shaykh Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti specifically countering al-Muhajiroun arguments http://www.livingislam.org/maa/dcmm_e.html
Fox News’s parade of buffoons, Adam Serwer http://voices.washingtonpost.com/plum-line/2011/02/fox_news_parade_of_buffoons.html

Hizb-ut-Tahrir and the media: Gotcha Islamism, Zahed Amanullah http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/hizb-ut-tahrir_and_the_media/

Hisb al Tahrir Again in the News: Should it be Banned as a Totalitarian Threat?, Dr. Robert D. Crane http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/hisb_al_tahrir_again_in_the_news_should_it_be_banned_as_a_totalitarian/

Hizb-ut-Tahrir:  Practicing what they preach?, Hesham Hassaballa   http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/hizb-ut-tahrir_practicing_what_they_preach/

Hizb ut-Tahrir America Uses Social Media to Promote its “Emerging World Order” Conference, Madeleine Gruen http://www.huffingtonpost.com/madeleine-gruen/hizb-ut-tahrir-america-us_b_611595.html

How Muslims Against Crusades Can Benefit From Theresa May’s Ban, Feisal Abbas http://www.huffingtonpost.com/faisal-abbas/how-muslims-against-crusa_b_1086150.html

How to build a fear bomb, Eboo Patel http://onfaith.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/eboo_patel/2010/10/how_to_build_a_fear_bomb.html#more

Islam4UK: bad, but not worth banning, Inayat Bunglawala   http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/belief/2010/jan/12/islam4uk-ban-johnson

Islam and Islamism: Global Caliphate or Prelude to Democracy?, Dr. Robert D. Crane http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/islam_and_islamism_global_caliphate_or_prelude_to_democracy/

Muhajiroun versus Luton white trash, Yusuf Smith http://www.blogistan.co.uk/blog/mt.php/2009/03/18/muhajiroun_versus_luton_white_trash 
Muhajiroun disrupt Luton army parade, Yusuf Smith http://www.blogistan.co.uk/blog/mt.php/2009/03/11/muhajiroun_disrupt_luton_army_parade

The Mundane Face of the Global Caliphate, Farish A. Noor http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/the_mundane_face_of_the_global_caliphate/

Muslim Day Parade Hijacked by Islamic Thinkers Society Extremists, Sheila Musaji http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/muslim_day_parade_hijacked_by_extremists/

Muslims versus Anjum Choudhary, Yusuf Smith http://www.blogistan.co.uk/blog/mt.php/2010/01/06/muslims_versus_anjum_choudhary

Of Caliphs and the Caliphate: Setting the Record Straight, Asma Afsaruddin http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/of_caliphs_and_the_caliphate_setting_the_record_straight/

Please don’t listen to Anjem Choudary, Mehdi Hasan http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/belief/2010/jan/04/anjum-choudary-wootton-bassett

The Return of the Caliphate?, Javeed Akhter http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/the_return_of_the_caliphate/

Splitters, Yusuf Smith http://www.blogistan.co.uk/blog/mt.php/2009/03/11/muhajiroun_disrupt_luton_army_parade 

South Park Cartoon and the Muslim Lunatic Fringe, Sheila Musaji http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/south_park_episode/ (with lots of info about the American version of these goons, Revolution Muslim and the Islamic Thinkers Society)

Stand tall against the extremists, Inayat Bunglawala http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2009/oct/21/al-muhajiroun-protest-london

Why is the media obsessed with this group of buffoons?, Ali Amla http://www.asianimage.co.uk/news/9337194.Why_is_the_media_obsessed_with_this_group_of_baffoons_/

Will Britain’s ban mean the end of Hizb-ut-Tahrir?, Zahed Amanullah http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/will_britains_ban_mean_the_end_of_hizb-ut-tahrir/


Type - lunatic fringe - in the search box on TAM’s main page and many articles on this group as well as many others will come up.

Originally posted 6/25/2011