Dave Gaubatz and the “Muslim Mafia” - updated 3/26/11
Posted Mar 26, 2011

Dave Gaubatz and the “Muslim Mafia”

by Sheila Musaji


Dave Gaubatz, the author of Muslim Mafia

His official biography on The Intelligence Summit site claims that Paul “Dave” Gaubatz, former Federal Agent, is a U.S. State Department-trained Arabic linguist and counterterrorism specialist. He has acquired over two decades of experience while working on assignments in Middle-Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, and Iraq. Currently the owner of Wahhabi CT Publications, Mr. Gaubatz provides counter-terrorism training materials for law enforcement and corporate use.  ...  Mr. Gaubatz is also the Director of a major research project (Mapping Shari’a) pertaining to Islamic terrorist groups. Mr. Gaubatz leads field research teams to Islamic Centers throughout the U.S. who advocate terrorist acts against U.S. interests and/or support such groups. The first-hand obtained intelligence is provided to law enforcement and to the American public to insure they are aware of national security concerns affecting them and their children.  ...  While an OSI agent, Dave received numerous awards for his service to the U.S. Government in regards to identifying Islamic terrorist members planning attacks against America and our troops. In addition Dave received U.S. Government awards for identifying weapons of mass destruction sites in Iraq (2003). The sites were never excavated & now WMD is presumed to be in the hands of insurgent groups.

Let’s hope the U.S. Government has taken back those awards for identifying sites where Iraq was hiding WMD’s.

He has called President Obama “our Muslim leader.” In a June 5 blog post, Gaubatz wrote: “What our Muslim leader Obama may not have calculated: Our country will not allow Israel or America to be destroyed by Islamic terrorists and their Obama supporters. Americans will stand up this time and help our friends. We will not sit down as in 1942 and allow our friends to be massacred.” [DG Counter-terrorism Publishing, 6/5/09] 

Gaubatz wrote on his blog: “Only Islamic terrorists, their supporters, and very naive news media use the word ‘Muslim World’ (Ummah). Unless I am mistaken there is only one ‘World’ with humans, and Americans have yet to give our little slice of land to the Muslims, although Barack Hussain Obama is doing his damnest to do so. Hussain has forgotten America does not belong to him or his Muslim family. America belongs to Americans and Israel belongs to the Israelis.” [DG Counter-terrorism Publishing, 6/4/09]

Gaubatz called Islam a “terminal disease that once spread is hard to destroy.”

Gaubatz said that “a vote for Hussein Obama is a vote for Sharia Law.” 

Gaubatz said in an interview in which he attempted to link CAIR with the Fort Hood Shootings “Expect more. Israel has endured ‘suicide/attacks’ similar to this for many years. Malik Nabal (sic) Hasan is a terrorist supporting the ideology of Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, and yes, CAIR. In Palestine, the leaders send out the young and vulnerable to carry out the murders in the name of Islam. The same is happening in America.”

As Glenn Greenwald notes, Gaubatz may not be entirely reliable as a source for anything:

“Gaubatz—a civilian agent who worked for The U.S. Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations—was also the source for the “bombshell story” from supreme Muslim-hater Melanie Phillips, who wrote a 2007 piece for the British Spectator with this screaming headline, immediately promoted by leading right-wing blogs:  “I found Saddam’s WMD Bunker!”  It details how Gaubatz personally found bunkers where Saddam’s WMDs were kept in Iraq, but “the [Bush] administration failed to act on his information, ‘lost’ his classified reports and is now doing everything it can to prevent disclosure of the terrible fact that, through its own incompetence, it allowed Saddam’s WMD to end up in the hands of the very terrorist states against whom it is so controversially at war.”  As a result, Saddam’s WMD are now in the hands of Syria, and the world has been fooled into believing that he had none.” ...  This is the ranting, insane hatemonger who House Republicans are now using as their expert source to demand an investigation into CAIR’s villainous plot to place interns on Congressional committees.  It would be darkly humorous if it weren’t so ugly and dangerous.  These House members highlight CAIR’s status as an unindicted co-conspirator in a Muslim charity case without noting that one of the most powerful groups in Congress has actually been directly involved in an espionage case against the U.S. , while numerous other corporations which receive substantial largesse from Congress have been convicted of all sorts of serious wrongdoing.”

Justin Elliott in a lengthy article on Gaubatz (with lots of links) notes that

•He referred to “our Muslim leader” Barack Obama on his blog last year.

•He has claimed that he personally found sites with Iraqi weapons of mass destruction when he was an agent with the Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations in 2003. But the Syrians beat us to the punch on excavating the sites, Gaubatz claims, and the U.S. government suppressed the information to avoid the “explosive revelation of their own lethal incompetence.”

•Just yesterday he wondered about Congress’ two Muslim representatives, “How much information do we have on Carson and Congressman Keith Ellison?”

•According to Glenn Greenwald, Gaubatz in 2007 was focusing his time on creating “a comprehensive map of every mosque and Islamic school in the U.S” in order to determine which ones were preaching “Islamic law.” The Web site that explained that project has since been made private.

•He said in September 2008 on a now scrubbed blog post at http://www.jihadishere.blogspot.com that: “We are now on the verge of allowing a self admitted ‘crack-head’ to have his finger on every nuclear weapon in America.”

•He apparently has a history of faking conversions to Islam as part of his investigations.

Gaubatz is a former employee of David Yerushalmi’s racist group Society of Americans for National Existence (SANE).  Dave Gaubatz was at one-time “Director of Intelligence and Counter-terrorism Studies” for Yerushalmi.  In 2007, Yerushalmi’s group paid Gaubatz $148,898 for “research.”  Gaubatz has a long history of bigotry targeting Islam and Muslims. He has called Islam an “evil ideology” and a “terminal disease.” Along with his past rhetorical attacks Islam, Gaubatz has called President Obama a “crack head” and wrote that “a vote for Hussein Obama is a vote for Sharia Law.” Nihad Awad

On its now members-only website, SANE offered a policy proposal that would make it illegal to be a Muslim: “Whereas, adherence to Islam as a Muslim is prima facie evidence of an act in support of the overthrow of the US. [sic] Government through the abrogation, destruction, or violation of the US Constitution and the imposition of Shari’a on the American People…It shall be a felony punishable by 20 years in prison to knowingly act in furtherance of, or to support the, adherence to Islam.”  SANE’s Immigration proposal calls for a ban on Muslim immigration and declaring all non-US citizen Muslims Alien Enemies and deported.  SANE founder David Yerusalmi issued a paper titled “War Manifesto – The War Against Islam” suggesting that all practicing Muslims, irrespective of their declarations to the contrary, should not be allowed to immigrate to this country.  You can read more about SANE here.  TAM has a special in-depth article collection on Yerushalmi and SANE HERE

According to the Center for American Progress Fear, Inc. report, Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy (CSP) funded research David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry’s book Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America.

Dave Gaubatz in a posting on the Family Security Matters site wrote  “Politicians, Muslims, and law enforcement are concerned about a ‘backlash’ against Muslims. Now is the time for a professional and legal backlash against the Muslim community and their leaders.” 

Gaubatz wrote in an article on the Northeast Intelligence Network website, June 10, 2008 “As an ideology [Islam] is a terminal disease that once spread is hard to destroy. Once the ideology (cancer) takes hold it is like trying to remove millions of cancerous cells in one’s body. Not impossible to remove, but very, very unlikely.”

Gaubatz also said ”[T]he political ideology of winning over the West and the world for an Islamic Caliphate is NOT specific to some extremist group of Muslims. This is mainstream Islam and Shari’a. … The goal remains the same: all of the non-Islamic world, and indeed all of the Islamic world, must submit to Shari’a. A Muslim who refuses to do so will be killed. … A non-Muslim, assuming he is not a pagan (typically a Christian or Jew) might be given the opportunity to live in a subservient status in an Islamic society and pay a special head tax to prove his submission. But this option is left to the Caliph or ruler at the time.”

Gaubatz previously pretended to be a Muslim and went into a mosque in Virginia and then made all sorts of questionable claims.

Paul Sperry, the co-author of Muslim Mafia spoke at Brigitte Gabriel’s Act for America Conference.  He wrote another book Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives have Penetrated Washington.  A sympathetic site discussing a talk by Sperry about this book says that “Paul Sperry argued that Islamic extremists are using the media, government, and U.S. citizens to turn America into an Islamic state.  The author explained that Muslim businessmen and scholars who appear to be patriotic are taking advantage of the American way of life to further their agenda of destroying America’s constitutional government. Mr. Sperry cited examples of prevalent and systemic anti-American activity by large parts of the Muslim community and the subversive activities of specific individuals. He also cited security and intelligence activities compromised by Muslim employees. He responded to questions from members of the audience.”

Brigitte Gabriel of ACT for America has said “If a Muslim who has—who is—a practicing Muslim who believes the word of the Koran to be the word of Allah, who abides by Islam, who goes to mosque and prays every Friday, who prays five times a day—this practicing Muslim, who believes in the teachings of the Koran, cannot be a loyal citizen to the United States of America.”  Brigitte Gabriel has also stated: “America and the West are doomed to failure in this war unless they stand up and identify the real enemy: Islam.”  TAM has a special in-depth article collection on Gabriel and ACT for America HERE

Robert Spencer wrote  “One may hope this heralds the end of the influence of this unsavory and thuggish group.” (referring to CAIR)
Hussein Ibish has pointed out in a review of the book:  “But really, it is extraordinary that six months of “infiltration and undercover work” in the “belly of the beast” involving the theft of a small mountain of documents would have uncovered precisely… nothing! Or at least nothing that wasn’t already common knowledge among those who follow these things to any extent whatsoever. It’s extremely interesting in that what this really suggests, in fact, is that there isn’t anything left to be discovered. If all of this effort produced nothing but a regurgitation of well-known complaints and issues regarding CAIR, whether any of them are well-founded or not, what this strongly implies that there isn’t anything more to be learned. Not only did these people waste their time, apparently they have demonstrated that the long-standing concerns about the organization, and especially its prehistory, that have been circulating in Washington for many, many years is about all there is to it.”

In the article The Anti-Muslim Congressional Mafia, I wrote about Gaubatz as a source of the claim that Muslim interns on Capital Hill were “spies” and “infiltrators”.  This is how the “evidence” of such unreliable individuals, simply be being repeated over and over again by a small group of professional anti-Muslim bigots, takes on a life of its own.  This example of how the work of someone like Gaubatz can have such serious repercussions is worth considering, since he now seems to be involving himself in counter-terrorism training for law enforcement officers.


Media Matters reports that “In Oct. 2009 Reps. John Shadegg (Ariz.), Paul Broun (Ga.), Trent Franks (Ariz.) and Sue Myrick (N.C.) — formally asked the House Sergeant at Arms to launch an investigation of the Center for American-Islamic Relations. They accused CAIR, a non profit group, of trying to infiltrate Capitol Hill with interns and staffers.  (They based their concerns on the Muslim Mafia book by Dave Gaubatz for which Rep. Myrick wrote a forward)  Gaubatz, sent his son Chris to grow a beard and go undercover as a Muslim to obtain an internship at the Council on American-Islamic Relations. 

On Rep. Shgadegg’s website, he reports that a CAIR strategy memo was obtained from the authors of the book Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that’s Conspiring to Islamize America, CAIR lays out plans to place interns in the Committees on the Judiciary, Intelligence, and Homeland Security for the purpose of influencing policy.  You can read the CAIR memo here.


Rep. Myrick said regarding domestic security threats, “You know, and this can be misconstrued, but honest to goodness (husband) Ed and I for years, for 20 years, have been saying,‘You know, look at who runs all the convenience stores across the country.’ Every little town you go into, you know?”  “My point is people (who) don’t like us are all over the country, and we know that,” she said.”  Rep. Myrick launched a YouTube video series. In the first video, called Beyond Terrorism: The Whole Story, she warns that extremists live in our midst, “even in positions in our government.” But the wide-eyed Myrick tells the camera: “You’re not being told the whole story… This is something that nobody ever tells you.”  Rep. Myrick also supports Brigitte Gabriel’s Act for America.

Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) introduced  H. Res. 1175 which “encourages citizens of all faiths and religious persuasions to reflect on the important impact that the Ten Commandments have had on the people and national character of the United States.”  Broun said about President Obama “We can’t be lulled into complacency.  You have to remember that Adolf Hitler was elected in a democratic Germany. I’m not comparing him to Adolf Hitler. What I’m saying is there is the potential.” 

Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) was reported to be considering filing a lawsuit for President Obama to prove his citizenship.


These four obviously are only “representatives” for some Americans.  And, thankfully their point of view is not shared by everyone.

Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Calif.) said she was “appalled” by this situation.  “I urge the rest of my colleagues to join me in denouncing this witch hunt, which is clearly intended to create fear and distrust in our Capitol Hill community,” Sanchez said in a statement.”

Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.), the chairman of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, released the following statement

“At the heart of this issue is whether or not diverse populations are given a fair shot at representing their legitimate political interests in Congress, either as interns, as staff or as Members.  The climate in Congress is clearly not as conducive as it should be in encouraging democratic representation, as exemplified by recent fear-rousing antics.  As a result of the innumerous obstacles facing Muslim-Americans in this post-9/11 environment, their political participation is stifled and often stymied.  More channels for Muslim participation are sorely needed, as well as a friendlier climate that embraces, not discourages, diversity.  These fallacious allegations implicate the existence of a society still struggling with anti-Muslim sentiment.  My Muslim colleagues in the House of Representatives, along with the highly qualified, patriotic and committed Muslim staffers and interns that have worked with my office and with CAPAC, contribute mightily to our democratic process. Any slander against these fellow patriots is slander against democracy and religious freedom.”

The Congressional Tri-Caucus, which represents three minority caucuses, denounced a call by four GOP lawmakers for an investigation into whether Muslim “intern spies” have infiltrated the Hill.  “These charges smack of an America of sixty years ago where lists of ‘un-American’ agitators were identified,” said Reps. Michael Honda (D-CA), Barbara Lee (D-CA), and Nydia Velazquez (D-NY). They are the chairs of the Asian Pacific American Caucus, the Black Caucus, and the Hispanic Caucus, respectively.



American Muslims must defend the Constitution of the United States, Sheila Musaji http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/american_muslims_must_defend_the_constitution_of_the_united_states/
American Muslims Must Accept That They Are Not Equivalent to Real Americans, Sheila Musaji http://www.theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/american_muslims_must_accept_that_they_are_not_equivalent_to_real_americans/
Are Muslims the enemy within?, Sheila Musaji http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/are_muslims_the_enemy_within1/
Paul Broun and Dr. Strangelove, Cynthia Tucker http://blogs.ajc.com/cynthia-tucker/2009/10/15/paul-broun-and-dr-strangelove/?cxntfid=blogs_cynthia_tucker
Clue to Republicans: This is Why Most Minorities Don’t Vote For You, Stephen Kral http://www.manolith.com/2009/10/15/clue-to-republicans-this-is-why-minorities-dont-vote-for-you/
Conyers blasts GOP lawmakers’ accusations of Muslim ‘spies’,  Michael O’Brien http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/63325-conyers-blasts-gop-lawmakers-accusations-of-muslim-spies
Federal Funds For Counterterrorism Training Pay For Anti-Muslim Instructors, Ryan J. Reilly http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/03/federal_funds_for_counterterrorism_training_pay_for_anti-muslim_instructors.php 
Fox Trumpets CAIR Conspiracy Theory Charges Made by Author with Anti-Islam History http://mediamatters.org/research/200910150015
GOP House members call for investigation of Muslim political activity, Glenn Greenwald http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/
Has Sue Myrick ever worked on Capitol Hill? http://pulse.ncpolicywatch.org/2009/10/15/has-sue-myrick-ever-worked-on-capitol-hill/
Heard on the Hill: Congressional Cool Points http://www.rollcall.com/issues/55_41/hoh/39519-1.html
Rep. Honda: Slander of Muslims Is ‘Slander Against Democracy and Religious Freedom’, Spencer Ackerman http://washingtonindependent.com/64117/rep-honda-slander-of-muslims-is-slander-against-democracy-and-religious-freedom
House GOPers Accuse Muslim Advocacy Group of Espionage http://nyulocal.com/national/2009/10/16/house-gopers-accuse-muslim-advocacy-group-of-espionage/
House Republicans Continue Muslim ‘Intern Spy’ Crusade, David Sessions http://www.politicsdaily.com/2009/10/16/republicans-continue-muslim-intern-spy-crusade/
Lookout, Them Muzlems Are Coming!, Jeff Siddiqui http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/lookout_them_muzlems_are_coming/
The Muslims Are Here!  The Muslims Are Here!, Sheila Musaji http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/the_muslims_are_here_the_muslims_are_here/
Rachel Maddow Exposes Anti-Islam Extremists in Congress http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E271Es21vaM
Meet The Man Behind The Intern Spy Wars: Muslim Mafia Author Dave Gaubatz, Justin Elliott http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2009/10/man_behind_intern_spy_wars_muslim_mafia_author_david_gaubatz.php?ref=mp
Members of Congress Blast Claims That Muslim Interns are ‘Spies’, CAIR http://www.reuters.com/article/pressRelease/idUS212218+15-Oct-2009+PRN20091015
Muslim Mafia author calls for ‘backlash’ against US Muslims http://www.islamophobia-watch.com/islamophobia-watch/2009/11/10/muslim-mafia-author-calls-for-backlash-against-us-muslims.html
“Muslim Mafia” author Appears to Completely Fold in Lawsuit http://www.loonwatch.com/2009/11/muslim-mafia-author-appears-to-completely-fold-in-lawsuit/ 
Muslim Mafia Scribe: How I “Toyed” with TPM http://www.loonwatch.com/2009/11/muslim-mafia-scribe-how-i-toyed-with-tpm/
The Muslims Are Coming! (with video), Dean Obeidallah http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dean-obeidallah/the-muslims-are-coming_b_321764.html
Muzlem infiltrators in Congress!?, Jeff Siddiqui http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/muzlem_infiltrators_in_congress/ 
Rep. Sue Myrick: A Modern-Day McCarthyite on Islam and the Threat From Domestic Terrorism, William E. Jackson, Jr. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/william-e-jackson-jr/rep-sue-myrick-r-nc-a-mod_b_479320.html
Republican Lawmakers Leading Witch Hunt Against Muslim Group http://mediamattersaction.org/factcheck/200910150008
Three Anti-Islamic Security and Training Companies, Chip Berlet http://www.islamophobiatoday.com/2010/12/23/chip-berlet-three-anti-islamic-security-and-training-companies/
Unfounded Accusations Against Muslim Interns Both Offensive and Stupid http://www.prospect.org/csnc/blogs/tapped_archive?month=10&year=2009&base_name=offensive_and_stupid