Pamela Geller:  A Tale of Two Bus Ads
Posted Sep 13, 2011

Pamela Geller:  A Tale of Two Bus Ads

by Sheila Musaji

Pamela Geller has just posted an appeal to her readers to attempt to stop what she calls an “anti-Semitic”, “jew-hating” ad that is “racist” and “Judeophobic” that is being placed on New York City public transit by Two Peoples One Future and to donate to support what she calls her “pro-Israel” ads. 

I believe that any rational person who wants to see peace rather than war as the future of humanity, and who believes that it is possible for us to learn to live together in peace can look at the two ads in question and see clearly which ad exemplifies the possibility of a peaceful solution to this particular issue, and which exemplifies hatred and bigotry. 

It seems that currently we are in a time when the extremists and bigots from all sides of the religious and political spectrum, are the voices that we hear most loudly.  The extremists seem to be able to get their message out very effectively, and too often drown out the voices of the moderates. 

These bus ads promoting an extremist position on one side, and a moderate and peaceful position on the other side are just one example of what has become a battlefield between extremists and anti-extremists on many issues we face in the world today. 

Look at the ads, check out the Two Peoples One Future site, and if you agree that this is an issue on which we need to take a stand against the extremists, then take a minute and write and call, and make your voice heard on the side of moderation. 

And, remember that Geller was successful in just such a campaign to stop these ads from running in Seattle.

Here from Geller’s site is the ad that Geller proposes running:

I have submitted our pro-Israel ad. I am waiting for ad approval as we speak.

If they refuse my ad, we will sue. Immediately.

And, here is the ad which she finds so offensive:

NY subway ads calling for ending US aid to Israel? Caroline Glick

Anti-Israel NY subway ad

Geller is asking her readers to contact the appropriate authorities and tell them that they are against the ads by Two Peoples One Future.  She even provides them with the contact information:


How can you help?  

1. The ad placement is handled by CBS Outdoor.  Please send an email to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) 

2. Email the Mayor.

3.  Call the MTA at 212-878-7000 and, in response to the prompts, press 1, 3, * and then either 2 for the press office and/or 4 for corporate affairs.  Leave a message.  You can also email them at