Big Brother’s racism gives us a glimpse of prevalent attitudes in the UK
Posted Feb 2, 2007

Big Brother’s racism gives us a glimpse of prevalent attitudes in the UK

Emdad Rahman

Celebrity Big Brother winner Shilpa Shetty, the favourite actress of the Chief Election Commissioner of India is an Aids activist and signed up member of PETA. The Bollywood star has been nominated four times for the Filmfare awards, the oldest and prominent awards in India.

Big Brother followers and aficionados have highlighted and debated racism that the Bollwood icon has faced from fellow contestants. Shetty, a black belt karate champ and an ex baseball captain has become the target of preconceived racist attitudes held by the freak clique of Jackie ‘dimella’ Budden, ‘25th most influential person’ Goody, ex footballer’s girlfriend Lloyd and ‘slotmachine’ O’Meara.

There are racists and there are bullies, but there are bullying racists too and Lloyd, O’Meara and Goody have proven to be comfortable in both roles.

It should also be noted that Shetty has not complained to producers, but tried to work out the reasons behind the treatment she has been subject to. This sentiment is largely due to the actress within her, very similar to any professional thespian researching a role. A young lady who is adored by millions the world over, waited upon hand and foot revered by males and females alike suddenly finds herself in an alien predicament, one which involves hostility and an environment which is a million miles from her goldfish bowl existence in Bollywood. This is as far as the forgiving Shetty will get from her silver screen experiences. After all she is human, and after letting out her emotions she is refused to roll over and die, but on the other hand is trying to figure out why she is singled out. She doesn’t need to look far. It’s a straightforward case. The fragrant Shetty is richer, more attractive and successful than her detractors. She is famous due to her talent, not for acting the buffoon as in the case of Goody.
To also suggest that the combined naivette of the girls may have resulted in this mess is no excuse on their part. All bullies are threats to individuals and to society at large. That is why there are gigantic budgets dedicated to hiuge anti bullying campaigns, be it via the media or through outreach work in schools and communities.  What type of message do these people send out to bullies and impressionable youngsters? Things could also work out for the better. After all a bit of racist mudslinging did Cheryl Tweedy’s career no harm did it? A few years back Jo O’Meara took part in the Bully Factor ( ), a round-table discussion with an audience that examined why bullying occurred in schools. The programme also looked into what students, parents and teachers can do to combat bullying.  O’Meara was described as a former victim of bullying. Tearful Goody, worth an estimated 4 million
( ) knows exactly what is happening. She has proved to be very shrewd at funding her accidental star status, through a book deal, perfume range only bettered by Victoria Beckham and Kylie and even a failed salon. Deservedly, both Goody and Lloyd have since been dropped by Anti Bullying Charities.

Should we be surprised though at the antics or tactics employed within the house? Aren’t these gut turning scenes prevalent and part and parcel of the makeup of those living in council estates? If the collective views are not racism then what do we classify such stupidity as?

The housemates in question are from communities where the white working class people feel let down by a system they perceive to be favouring those of colour, whilst simultaneously ignoring their own indigenous needs. Their prejudice blinds to such an extent that they fail to recognise that it is hard graft, blood, sweat, tears and sheer guts that has been the main contributor to success. In the words of Richard Hughes, a Director for Lloyds TSB Corporate Markets, new figures show that British Asians – representing just 2.5 per cent of the population – now produce 10 per cent of the UK’s GDP; which adds up to a contribution of more than £100 billion. Barriers between cultures are the main reason contributors behind the flourishing of racism. Take a walk around Barking Town Centre and you’ll get the idea, and yes the effects are even more stunning if you are Asian, Muslim, bearded or hijab clad.

This anger in white communities has inevitably led to resentment and thus become ripe picking fields for the BNP to exploit their warped messages of hate. Racism as such is further fuelled by irresponsible politicians and media broadcasters who justify their views under the notion of freedom of expression. We live in an era where ethnic minorities are accused of a lack of integration but do we ever stop and think how many barriers and opposition one is faced by those willing to integrate?

People from white working class backgrounds and living on poor estates are more prone to racist tendencies. They work the hardest with least dividends. Or they sit around whingeing about how harsh a deal life has dealt them. Budden has to be the vilest ever participant on reality TV.  In true Evil Dead style, the image of her bare back in the diary room prior to her exit leaves a nauseous feeling every time I think of it. Budden has been a poster girl for race relations. She has made a mockery of Shilpa’s name, repeatedly mispronouncing it, the group have mocked her accent, and she has allegedly been called a Paki. O’ Meara’s distrust and shallow mindedness has led to her refusal to eat a roast prepared by Shetty. I mean what kind of society do we live in when your accent, though you speak perfect English, singles you out for alienation?

Asians and in particular Indians are some of the hardest working contributors to the welfare of the UK. A 2006 study titled “Asian Entrepreneurs in the UK” written for Barclays by Dr Spinder Dhaliwal, a Lecturer in Entrepreneurship at Surrey University and a leading authority on the UK’s Asian economy singled out that the ability of Asian entrepreneurs to adapt to new business opportunities has seen the sector’s wealth grow at three times the rate of the UK economy as a whole.

Shetty comes from a country that will probably establish itself as the world’s third economic giant by the time the next world cup comes around. Yet ‘princess’ has had her origins mocked and asked whether she lives in a shack. The goldfish bowl existence in the BB house also goes a long way in proving that jealousy and loathing is magnified when a non white person is successful.

The Indian beauty, who tops the house earners list with a whopping 350,000 pounds has also been branded a “dog” by Danielle Lloyd who also attributed the blame for Carole Malone’s eviction on her.

Both Danielle and Jo have imitated Shilpa’s Indian accent in a derogative manner and Budden addressed her as “The Indian” and refused to learn how to pronounce her name. As an extremely sensitive individual I notice many instances identical to the scene where O’ Meara displays horrible facial features when discussing Shetty. I see this on an almost daily basis, to the point where I notice people becoming immune to such treatment.

Even the housemates have felt the negative energy with Ian confiding to Jackson that the house environment reminded him of Lord of the Flies. Surefire incidents of racism are often ignored on TV or swept under the carpet. BB now need to study the evidence and concerns (2000 complaints at present and counting) and take corrective action if there is substantial proof that Shetty has been targeted for racial abuse based on her origins, accent and her way of life. 

The question is whether BB is condoned such behaviour for the sake of viewing figures and entertainment? These attitudes and conduct can all be safely categorised under a file labelled racism. Big Brother presenters, (many of whom share agents) constant cooing over these Neanderthals smacked of support, for this vile group.

Celebrity Big Brother 2006 will end the careers of the has beens. It will elevate Shetty, Jackson and Benedic. Notoriety may even, (after a major repackaging PR stint helping Aids stricken kids in Africa) raise the appeal of Goody, O’ Meara and Lloyd ala Kate Moss.  The contestants may all make money beyond their wildest dreams but this goes to show that absolutely no amount of capital can buy you class.