Responses to anti-Muslim Emails
Posted Jun 22, 2011

Responses to anti-Muslim Emails

collected by Sheila Musaji

There have been so many of these emails that simply tracking them is difficult.  TAM will now begin collecting the responses to these emails in one place, and update as new information comes in.

- “Allah or Jesus” encounter between a Christian minister and a Muslim imam in which the latter admits that his religion requires violent jihad (holy war) against all infidels (non-believers in Islam) FALSE [1]

-  Qur’an verse 9:11, The Verse of the Eagles FALSE, there is no such verse [2]

- “You Worry Me” (by American Airlines pilot John Maniscalco) [3], [3a], and [3b] (Asim Mughal), Rebutting Bigots [3c],

- claiming Britain will ban teaching about holocaust in schools because of Muslim pressure [4], [4a] (Snopes), [4b] (Religious Tolerance)

- Good Muslims can’t be good Americans -  [5]  (Dr. Bahar Bastani),  (Abdulaziz Sachedina), [5b] (Sheila Musaji)

- that the UK had banned the teaching of the Nazi Holocaust from British schools because of Muslims [6]

- “Obama is an anti-Christ Muslim” [7] (Greg Mitchell), [7a] (Politifact),  and is only pretending to be a Christian [7b] (Joshua Stanton),  and won’t recite the pledge of allegiance[7c], and he took the oath of office for the U.S. Senate on a Qur’an [7d] (Politifact), and one e-mail makes a number of specious claims to promote its Manchurian Candidate-style conspiracy theory, including, “Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta. Wahabism is the RADICAL teaching that is followed by the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad against the western world.” [7e] (Politifact)

- alleged Muslim power over holocaust curriculum [8]

- fighting Muslim “threat” with pig fat [9]

- protesting Eid stamp [10], [10a]

- anti Muslim email to Mercedes Benz employees [11]

- from Michigan State Professor [12]

- burning the Qur’an a “public service” [13]

- forwarded by Chicago politician [14]

- supposed “Muslims out of Australia” email [15]

- Cadbury products & halal certification [16]

- Ted Petruna and AirTran flight see airline incidents  see also Muslims Are ..., Islam Is ...

- Kevin Rudd email hoax [17] (Chasing Evil)

- email about Muslims praying in the streets of NYC [18] (Ken Hall)

- anti-Muslim email quoting Nonie Darwish on Muslim violence towards women [19]

- hate email wrongfully cites Canadian Defense researcher as author [20] (Chris Parry)

- e-mail falsely claims Muslims will be a majority in U.S. in 20 years [21] and there will be enough Muslim voters in the U.S. to elect the president by themselves!  [21a]

- A chain e-mail going around takes statements out of context from Sen. Barack Obama’s books Dreams from My Father and The Audacity of Hope to suggest Obama will stand with Muslims [22] (Politifact)

- Chain email claims that Maj. Nidal Hasan, the man accused of the Fort Hood shootings, “was an ADVISOR to the Obama Administration.” [23]

- Email claiming Hamas members married “child brides” in Gaza [24] and [24a] (Sheila Musaji)

-  Series of anti-Muslim emails sent to NYPD officers by Bruce Tefft [25]

-  Email claiming that a Muslim store owner in a Houston Mall had closed on 9/11/2009 to honor one of the 9/11 hijackers [26] (Snopes)