American Muslims Have Been Made Invisible
Posted Oct 2, 2010

American Muslims Have Been Made Invisible

by Sheila Musaji

This year the Muslim celebration of Eid fell on September 11th. Lots of stories ran about the Jewish holidays that also fell during this time period as they are also on a lunar rather than solar calendar.  A local paper in Portland ran a story about local Muslim celebration of this holiday with a photo of Muslims praying during the Eid prayers.  SO WHAT, you would think.  Wrong, the reaction of local non-Muslims to this simple story was so strong a WHAT?  that the paper ran an apology for being insensitive to the feelings of bigots and showing Muslims as simple human beings observing a religious occasion.

The Hartford City Council was going to have an Imam deliver the opening prayer during a September meeting in which a prayer is always said, and has been delivered by members of other relisious faiths before, but never by a Muslim.  However, they received so much flack for this being insensitive, especially since it was during a time so close to 9/11 that they cancelled this and had a Christian pastor deliver the prayer.

We have come to a place in the U.S. where it is perfectly acceptable to place the blame for 9/11, or any criminal incident anywhere involving Muslims, not on the actual perpetrators of the crime, but on all Muslims and the entire religion of Islam.  Muslims want to build a community center in NYC, and it is “too close to ground zero, spitting in our face”, etc.  Muslims want to build or expand mosques in other parts of the country, and it is a concern that they will next be “enforcing Sharia” on the rest of the country.  If a Muslim Imam leads a prayer in Connecticut that would be a sign of “creeping shariah”.  If Muslim families in Portland come together for a religious holiday, and it is reported in the paper, then the paper should also be “balanced” and point out all the negative things that some folks believe about Islam.

There is a long list of bigoted propoganda stating some “fact” that “everyone knows” which are all, quite simply, not facts at all.  You can find responses to hundreds of such claims here.  The most commonly repeated claims about Muslims and Islam are that

“everyone knows” that most or all terrorists are Muslims, and there are no Christian and no Jewish terrorists (or terrorists of any other religious stripe), and that Muslims are inherently violent.  Everyone also knows that Muslims are not equivalent to real Americans, that they are the enemy within, and a fifth column,  that good Muslims can’t be good Americans, that they are not a part of our American heritage, that they are all militant,  that Islam makes Muslims “backward”, that Muslims have made no contribution to the West,  that Islam is “of the devil”, a Crescent menace, and an “evil encroaching on the United States”, and not a religion.  Everyone knows that this is a Christian nation, which everyone knows the Muslims are trying to take over, starting with getting an Eid stamp which is the first step towards shariah law which is a threat to America, and by purposefully having more children than others to increase their numbers.  Everyone knows that Muslims have no respect for the Constitution, and that they are opposed to freedom of speech, and don’t allow freedom of religion.  Everyone knows that Muslims are given a pass by the elite media.  It’s “us versus them”.  Their goal is world domination under a Caliphate, and the proposed Cordoba House in NYC is a a demonstration of supremacism and triumphalism.  They don’t speak out against extremism or terrorism, and even those Muslims who do speak up or seem moderate are simply lying or practicing taqiyyah.  Everyone knows the Qur’an is uniquely violent, that the Islamic concept of God doesn’t include God’s love, that Allah is a moon god.  The problem is that what “everyone knows” is wrong.  These self-righteous and incorrect statements are usually followed by a demand that the Muslim community do something about whatever is the false flag of the day or face the inevitable consequences.

In addition to these “everyone knows” statements of demonization and misrepresentation, there is also a whole industry of simply connecting with Islam or Muslims with any negative idea, event, or societal trend (even when there is no sane connection to make).  These I think of as “Through the Looking Glass” claims. 

For example, lots of “news” items never happened, or are simply not true.

Arabs didn’t celebrate 9/11 at a Dunkin Donuts in New Jersey.  Budweiser did not pull all its product from the shelves of a convenience store where there was celebration of the terrorist attacks - this never happened.  The Muslim statement of faith (Shahada) is not an expression of hate.  An American Missionary in Africa didn’t face possible murder charges and hanging because of a traffic accident.  There is no verse of the Qur’an on “The Wrath of the Eagle”.  The supposed bomb threat made by an Arizona student that led to an evacuation of the school was a hoax by non-Muslim students.  The story that Iran was considering forcing Jews to wear a yellow star appeared in several publications and it was totally false.  The slaying of the New Jersey Coptic family was falsely charged to Muslims.  The story about the British banks banning piggy banks so as not to offend Muslims never happened.  Muslims are not more likely to support terrorism and violence than Christians or Jews.  Muslims did not destroy the Library of Alexandria.  Nurses in Britain were not “ordered to drop everything and turn Muslims’ beds toward Mecca five times daily”.  There is no  Muslim sword through the 41-cents mark on the U.S. Eid stamp.  Sirhan Sirhan is a Christian, not a Muslim.  The Virginia Tech massacre had no connection with Islam.  A bus driver in Britain didn’t tell passengers to get off the bus so he could pray.  Rachel Ray’s Paisley scarf is not a symbol of “murderous Palestinian Jihad” (and neither is a Keffiyah).  A Muslim student in Florida did not refuse to stand for the pledge of allegiance.  There were no Muslims acting suspiciously on Air Tran flight 297. Wearing a tee-shirt with Arabic writing on it does not make a person dangerous.  A Madrassah is simply a school.  The zebibah (prayer bruise) on some Muslims foreheads is not a sign of a “commitment to jihad”.  Jihad is not terrorism. Ashura is not a “Muslim blood festival”.  Muslims are not forbidden to have non-Muslims as friends.  The Shahada (declaration of faith) is not  an “expression of hate” that is “closely identified” with terrorism.  The Nuclear Security Summit logo is an atom on a circular path, not an Islamic symbol, the U.S. Missile Defense Logo is not evidence of ‘Submission To Shariah’, and neither is the Flight 93 memorial.  Muslims also died on 9/11.  Barack Obama is not a Muslim, but so what if he was?  Mattel is not promoting Sharia with a subversive doll.  (Note: click on the links to see responses to particular claims or incidents

American Muslims have cooperated with the authorities and been a part of the fight against extremism.  American Muslims have spoken out strongly against groups like al-Qaeda, going to far as to say kill us too, we are also Americans and ‘If you hate the west, emigrate to a Muslim country’

Read the collection of fatwas on TAM and you’ll find Muslim scholars speaking out against genital mutilation, against the concept of honor killing, against the violent reaction to the Danish cartoons, against terrorism generally, against suicide bombing - and against specific acts of terrorism and individuals and organizations engaging in terrorism including bin Laden and al Qaeda.  You’ll find scholars reminding Muslims to protect religious minorities and their houses of worship, urging them to obey the laws of the countries in which they live, clarifying the meaning of jihad, clarifying that the medieval Muslim division of the world into a “house of Islam” and “house of unbelief” no longer applies.  You’ll find fatwas defending religious pluralism, freedom of religion, and freedom of choice in religion, and against any punishment for apostasy.

American Muslims have specifically condemned the 9/11 attacks,.  American Muslims have issued a statement condemning terrorism called Not in the name of Islam which was signed by thousands. 

American Muslims participated in the Amman Conference Statement which was originally signed by 500 scholars of Islam from all over the world, and then opened for individual signatures. 

American Muslims issued a statement against domestic abuse.  American Muslims also signed on to the National Declaration by Religious and Spiritual Leaders to Address Violence Against Women, which has been signed by more than 2,000 clergy and religious leaders from Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and Baha’i traditions, among others.  Muslims were among the initiating signatories.

American Muslims have issued hundreds of statements.  In addition to the fatwas, national and regional organizations have issued statements against any sort of extremism or violence, and in support of democracy and human rights for all.  Individual Muslim scholars and community leaders have written thousands of articles.

Just last week, a group of American and Canadian Muslims issued a statement


We, the undersigned, unconditionally condemn any intimidation or threats of violence directed against any individual or group exercising the rights of freedom of religion and speech; even when that speech may be perceived as hurtful or reprehensible.

We are concerned and saddened by the recent wave of vitriolic anti-Muslim and anti-Islamic sentiment that is being expressed across our nation. 

We are even more concerned and saddened by threats that have been made against individual writers, cartoonists, and others by a minority of Muslims.  We see these as a greater offense against Islam than any cartoon, Qur’an burning, or other speech could ever be deemed.

We affirm the right of free speech for Molly Norris, Matt Stone, Trey Parker, and all others including ourselves.

As Muslims, we must set an example of justice, patience, tolerance,  respect, and forgiveness.

The Qur’an enjoins Muslims to:
* bear witness to Islam through our good example (2:143);
* restrain anger and pardon people (3:133-134 and 24:22);
* remain patient in adversity (3186);
* stand firmly for justice (4:135); 
* not let the hatred of others swerve us from justice (5:8);
* respect the sanctity of life (5:32);
* turn away from those who mock Islam (6:68 and 28:55); 
* hold to forgiveness, command what is right, and turn away from the ignorant (7:199);
* restrain ourselves from rash responses (16:125-128); 
* pass by worthless talk with dignity (25:72); and
* repel evil with what is better (41:34).

Islam calls for vigorous condemnation of both hateful speech and hateful acts, but always within the boundaries of the law. It is of the utmost importance that we react, not out of reflexive emotion, but with dignity and intelligence, in accordance with both our religious precepts and the laws of our country.

We uphold the First Amendment of the US Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  Both protect freedom of religion and speech, because both protections are fundamental to defending minorities from the whims of the majority.

We therefore call on all Muslims in the United States, Canada and abroad to refrain from violence.  We should see the challenges we face today as an opportunity to sideline the voices of hate—not reward them with further attention—by engaging our communities in constructive dialogue about the true principles of Islam, and the true principles of democracy, both of which stress the importance of freedom of religion and tolerance.

You can see the statement and the signatories to date here.

And this, like many statements before, has received no attention in the mainstream media.  You can find thousands of articles discussing the “fact” that Islam is a threat to free speech, that it is a threat to our Constitution, that Muslims want to overturn the Constitution, ad infinitum.

It is amazing that such statements are ignored, and yet a handful of lunatics like the Islamic Thinkers Society or Revolution Muslim (pretty much the same people) get the rapt attention of the media who publish thousands of articles about them and their distorted and ignorant views of Islam. 

This is becoming a vicious cycle.  Muslims in America are accused of not speaking up.  Muslims in America do everything in their power to speak up - and they are either totally ignored, or accused of lying, or of not saying enough.  In some cases, not only are very strong Muslim statements ignored, but non-Muslims prepare their own statements concerning the identical subject which they then demand that Muslims sign, and when Muslims rightfully refuse to play this ridiculous game, use the “fact” that the Muslims refused to sign their statement as proof that Muslims are not really “moderate”.  The “red herring” called the Freedom Pledge Against Punishment for Apostasy is just one such example of this devious and malicious game. American Muslims had already issued a Freedom of Faith Statement to which there were 100+ initiating signatories.  The full statement along with supporting information can be seen here, and the list of signatories can be found here.  What possible reason would we have to sign on to something else prepared by people with a bias against Islam and Muslims?  Although such professional Islamophobes seem to be the people that are called on by the media to explain Islam and Muslims, and after carefully noting all of their lies and distortions, actual Muslims are then called upon to defend themselves against their vicious slanders of our faith.

If it is even marginally acknowledged that Muslims did speak up, then what they said is called “just empty words” and they are asked to physically do something to stop any criminal action to prove that they “really mean it”.  Really!  Isn’t that the job of the government and law enforcement?  As a private citizen it is my responsibility to report anything suspicious I might become aware of - but criminals are not likely to speak openly in front of anyone they don’t believe to be sympathetic to their cause.  Are these people really suggesting that the Muslim community become a vigilante group and set up some sort of an armed militia to go out and hunt down suspected criminals?  Should Mexican Americans and Columbian Americans do the same and solve the problem of the drug cartels?  Should Italian Americans be responsible for going after the mafia?

What is most striking is that this demonization of our entire community, and attempt to marginalize us is being participated in by even some of our elected representatives.  Much of what they have said, including raising the possibility that Islam is not really a religion and might not be covered under the first amendment of the Constitution ought to concern all Americans. 

Ordinary, every day Muslims are becoming frustrated with this impossible situation, and exhausted by the constant demand that we “prove” our loyalty and distance ourselves from whatever is the current issue.  We are not the enemy.  We are Americans, part of “we the people”.  Most of us were born here.  We were not responsible for 9/11.  In fact, 9/11 happened to us all, and Muslims died that day along with all the other innocent victims.  We are not collectively responsible for every criminal act of any Muslim on earth.  Islam is not the enemy, and when you attack the religion of Islam you are not hurting groups like al Qaeda (actually you are giving them a propoganda windfall to drum up more recruits), you are hurting ordinary Muslims. 

Here are just a few comments showing the level of our frustration.  You can read many more here.

I cannot recall the times I have atoned for my brother’s sins. Nor can I recall the occasions I have categorically dissociated, denounced and condemned all acts of terror by any one individual or group anywhere on earth. Yes, this unfair demand haunts my very soul, chokes my every breath rendering my voice unrecognizable or audible. But, it is a documented fact that I have raised my voice along with the great majority of fellow American Muslims. But as happens to the tree that falls in the forest, our voices have had no listening ears.    ...  I Aref Assaf, who sees himself as a Moderate Muslim, hereby say to my fellow moderate Americans: “I am sorry, I am truly remorseful for the crimes wrought unto you by extremist Muslims.” But and like you, I was and have continued to be a victim of the terror plague. Would you at least recognize the lost lives of fellow American Muslims who also perished in the rubble of the World trade Center? Furthermore, is it condescending, immaterial, or otherwise, irrelevant to tell you, that around the world, more innocent Muslims were the victims of “Islamist terrorism” than Jews, Christians combined. The recognitions of this reality I hope will prod you to accept me as also the victim of terrorism not its cause. And misery loves company.  Dr. Arref Assaf

Yeah? Well, I am a Muslim and I’m happy to shove it down your throat. I’m not a weak, oppressed woman who needs to be saved by the Western savior. I’m a Muslim and I didn’t commit the Sept. 11 hijackings and I won’t apologize for them. Muslims everywhere are under constant threat of being killed in the name of terrorism and civil war, while Americans are rarely attacked on U.S. soil. We are not terrorists or apologists. We’re normal, ordinary people who just want to be left alone and live our lives and have the freedom of religion to quietly practice (or reject) Islam.  We’re American, we’re Muslim, and we’re not leaving.  ...  I feel more hated today for being Muslim than I did almost 10 years ago. This recent wave of Islamophobia has nothing to do with religion or ideology, as some bigots claim. It’s pure racism, plain and simple. Muslims and non-Muslims have been lumped together in one group. Arab Christians, Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews, South Asians such as Hindus, Sikhs, and Indian Christians, along with Turks, Southeast Asians, Africans and African-Americans, and others who are brown or look “Arab,” have been targeted in racist incidents. I don’t have a problem with people attacking Islam as an ideology, but I’ll condemn them for their anti-Muslim racism. Sabina England

“We have nothing to apologize for, we have nothing to fear, we have nothing to be ashamed of, we have nothing that we’re guilty of — but we need to be out there and we need to express this.” Imam Mohammed Ibn Faqih

American Muslims are making authentic efforts to interweave their religious beliefs with American culture, but these efforts are undermined by broad-brush portrayals of all Muslims as either incapable of rational discourse or, worse, nothing more than the enemy. We cannot take our equal station alongside our fellow Americans in this country that we too cherish as long as the otherizing process holds sway. Asma T. Uddin

The fact that these “news stories” and articles are simply wrong doesn’t change the fact that they are “out there” and that they will be read and believed by many of the same folks who believe the supermarket tabloids.  They will be forwarded or passed on, and commented on, and the stories will grow and more and more people will accept them as “facts”.  I would hope that not only Muslims would be concerned with the dangers in this sort of stereotyping and dehumanizing of any segment of our population.  Here is a link to a collection of English translations of Nazi Propaganda: 1933-1945.  Exactly how is this different?    What is most frustrating is that each and every claim that is raised and answered will be raised again, and answers demanded again.  As a proud American, and a proud Muslim, I am becoming very frustrated that there is a request from someone in my mail each day asking for information to respond to some claim that seems to have more lives than a cat.  Sheila Musaji

What is it exactly then that America wants from its fellow citizens who happen to face Mecca when praying?  ...  The only standing argument that the Park 51 community center shouldn’t continue as planned is the one which posits that American Muslims should accept that they, by simple virtue of their faith commitment, inherently share company with the perpetuators of international terrorism. It is a patently absurd argument that every American, regardless of their religious confession, must reject outright. If they don’t, they in effect, are demanding that American Muslims accept second class citizenship. Abbas Barzegar

Will America be America to its Muslim inhabitants? I have no doubt.
Will any of the members of the hate machine against Muslims one day have a change of heart and seek our forgiveness? I believe in God, so I believe in miracles. Will Muslims forgive?  I begin my spiritual preparation for that possibility now.  Eboo Patel