American Muslim Leaders Participate in Conference Call to Discuss Reaction to Pres. Obama’s Speech
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the State Department invite Esam Omeish and other American Muslim leaders to participate in a national conference call to discuss reaction to President Obama’s Speech to the Muslim World.
Dr. Esam Omeish candidate for VA 35th delegate district was asked by the State Department on behalf of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton if he would participate in a conference call after President Obama’s Speech. Approximately 30 Muslim leaders around the country were invited to participate on a call to discuss the reaction to the speech and how the United States and Muslims around the world can bridge some of the differences that have divided them.
Dr. Omeish stated during the conference call “I want to express my resounding support of our President, we are proud of him, we are behind him and support him whole-heartedly. Muslim Americans represent America’s great diversity and their engagement and involvement is one of the most focused parameters that the Muslim world uses to perceive America. The president outlined a 7 item agenda and action plan and I would like to add another item which is the domestic agenda: How can we increase the involvement of Muslim Americans and get them more involved ( i.e. facilitate their involvement and provide opportunity for that to happen).
Dr. Omeish also added that “I was deeply honored to be invited to participate in this historical moment. I am hopeful that my friends on the far right and even some of those in the media, that continue to try and distort my record and my name, continue to distort public perceptions of the Muslim community, will realize that we have a President and an Administration along with most of the American people that are ready to move beyond divisive politics, and that by working together in unison for an agenda of peaceful nation and a peaceful world is in the best interest of all of us”
Dr. Esam Omeish is a running for the House of Delegates in Virginia district 35. Dr. Esam Omeish is a candidate for the 35th House of delegate district in Virginia. He is a prominent surgeon in the area, father of four, and a community activist. He believes that these experiences will help him fight for the citizens of Virginia when elected to the House of Delegates.
Dr. Esam Omeish is running for the House of Delegates in Virginia’s 35th District here in Fairfax County. He is also the Chief of Surgery at INOVA Alexandria Hospital, a first generation immigrant, a father of four, a community leader, and a long time advocate for quality healthcare and job creation. Please come help us get this amazing leader elected!
Together, We Can!