Abdul-Malik, Imam Johari
Posted Oct 21, 2005

Imam Johari Abdul-Malik

Imam Johari Abdul-Malik serves as the Chair of the Coordinating Council of Muslim Organizations (CCMO) in Washington, DC, was the first Muslim officially installed as a chaplain in higher education at Howard University, and is the Head of the National Association of Muslim Chaplains in Higher Education. Abdul-Malik also serves as the chair of government relations for the Muslim Alliance in North America. He is the director of community outreach for the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center and President of the Muslim Society of Washington, Inc. Known nationally for his fundraising efforts for masjids, schools and relief and support organizations, Abdul-Malik is a founding member of the Muslim Advocacy Commission of Washington, D.C. He lectures on a variety of subjects that motivate the Muslim community and the community at large to better themselves and their world.

From: http://www.peacefulfamilies.org/speakersbureau.html