Zionism and World Peace

Anisa Abd el Fattah

Posted May 16, 2006      •Permalink      • Printer-Friendly Version
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Condemning Zionism is crucial to world peace, and
essential to peace in the Muslim and Arab world.

Anisa Abd el Fattah

When we imagine what it has perhaps cost the US to
sustain the Palestine/ Israel conflict, the amount
imagined is mind-boggling. When we look at Israel
today, seeking to ascertain what we got for our money,
it is mind blowing, and heart breaking. Perhaps
trillions of dollars have made their way from the
United States to Israel since 1948 by various routes,
and most, if not all of that money has been used to
kill Palestinians, to vilify Islam, and to prevent
economic, social and political development, while
destroying any semblance of modernity that presently
exists in the Muslim and Arab world, which is arguably
the underlying objective of the Iraq invasion, and
also the destruction of Lebanon, and why we are
stalking Iran.

The United States, whether knowingly or
unknowingly has, and is participating in one of the
most violent and deadly genocidal campaigns of ethnic
cleansing ever carried out against any people other
than the Native Americans slaughtered during the
Indian wars here in the states, and we have done this
through our military aide, and also our acceptance of
the Zionist ideal, an evil and racist ideology that
not only directly contrasts everything we profess to
stand for as a country, but that also violates every
relevant divine, human rights, or other law, including
our own laws, as well as every norm of decency known
to the human species. Our support for Israel has
caused the US to be complicit in a crime against
humanity from which our nation may never be able to
economically, politically, or spiritually recover
except through deep and sweeping changes in heart,
mind and strategy.

If the United States does not undergo substantive
foreign policy change, one-day we may find ourselves
answering for our crimes against humanity before an
international court of law, and in that case, it will
be hard for us to explain how and why we felt that it
was either moral, or legal to accept the implantation
of a foreign entity onto the sovereign land of another
people. We will be forced to answer and explain why we
armed that entity, allowed it to have nuclear weapons,
and why we stood guard over this evil, preventing all
international censure, and condemnation as we watched
it carry out every technique that it could, hoping to
steal even more land, kill out the indigenous people,
and to declare itself superior to all other
nation/states, including our own country, its number
one patron, and our own people, most of who are not
Jewish. An even greater crime than our irresponsible
use of US treasure and influence to eliminate the
Palestinian people, are our attempts to tie their
hands to prevent them from mounting a self defense,
much in the way hogs were once tied-up to be
slaughtered. Having attempted to strip the
Palestinians of their human dignity in almost every
way imaginable, we have systematically passed laws,
and issued presidential decrees, paid for by Israeli
backed lobbyists, which deems their struggle for
survival, terrorist and criminal, while the crimes of
their occupiers are deemed worthy, not only of US
military support, but also billions of US taxpayer
dollars annually, making our crime of complicity with
Israel, also a crime against our own country, and our
own people.

Historically, our Congress has consistently and
loyally, without any moral regard, compunction, or
conscience used US treasure, and also our political,
and economic influence to sustain the illegal
occupation of Palestine, even to the detriment of our
own stated interests. We have become the most hated,
and feared nation in the world, simply because in our
international affairs, and our “unconditional” support
for Israel, we have demonstrated an incompetence,
immaturity and callousness that is to be feared, and
also hated. What nation of noble, decent and
respectable people can advocate, support and advance
Zionism as a philosophy, when it is clear, and even
Zionists have confessed in so many words, that Zionism
is indeed an ideology which seeks to establish norms
of thought and behaviors that are racists, immoral and
inhumane. A poem written by a member of the Zionist
Jabotinsky movement, and a close friend of Ariel
Sharon, cited in an article by Israeli author, Israel
Shamir (The Cornerstone of Violence, Aug. 2001),
perhaps is the best evidence that Zionism is indeed an
idea that is incompatible with international norms in
thinking about racial and religious supremacism,
extremism and intolerance.  The poem says,

We the chosen ones are united by hatred to the slave
tribes that rose and dethroned our ancestors and
rejected our God. Once you know your place in the
world, a swine must stay in its sty. You revolted, and
forced us to serve you, but now your end is nigh. We
are the masters. You are the slaves. This is God’s
design. Soon our sun will rise again, and the slaves
would not dare to look at it. And then, the Lord of my
people will appear in heaven, while we, the dozens of
dozen thousand, chosen ones will sit in the great
amphitheatre and watch the miserable columns of souls
crawling into their paradise. By God’s will we will
name it Auschwitz.

We all know that if any one except a Zionist had
expressed these ideas, we would consider that person’s
comment to be outside the pale of acceptable civil
discourse. If anyone had said such things, referring
to the Jews as slaves, etc. they would immediately and
in the strongest terms be declared anti-Semitic, and
we would read about it and hear about those comments
if not for months, at least for weeks in the
mainstream media. From the presidents of the world, to
the UN, statements would be issued condemning,
scolding, and perhaps even threatening anyone who
would say things, but only if they are directed
towards Jews. How can any of us ever forget when the
leader of Germany visited the White House, and began
her speech saying that the world should unite in
condemning Iran, since its leader had asked why Jews
had been granted land in Palestine as reparations for
European racism. Threats of invasion, war, and other
reactions to the statement were reported daily,
condemning Iran and its president for asking publicly
what is asked secretly by sane and just people
everyday, and in every corner of the world.  Few, if
anyone except those who either read the poem when it
appeared in an Israeli newspaper, or read the Shamir
article would have ever heard of this poem, or read
these remarks, since they were not publicized, the
writer was not publicly censured, and his sentiments
received no condemnation.

In the most simplest terms, Zionism is simply
abhorrent, and it should no longer be sustained with
either US tax dollars, or by our moral capitulation
and tacit consent for its violent attempts to expand
its influence through the illegal occupation and
confiscation of land, and usurpation of power,
especially here in the US, where it has attached
itself to our government like a malignant cancer that
is eating away, and destroying our national body, and
also our national soul.  In our country’s joint
efforts with Zionists, to destroy the Palestinians,
and Islam, we are destroying ourselves, and our
country is declining in international stature, and in
other important ways, while Zionism grows stronger,
more ugly, and more smug and arrogant in its
supremacism, and so too must the international
resistance to this last remnant of primitive man’s
primal quest for survival through either the
destruction or subjugation of all other living things.
It was not enough to end slavery, and to rebuke racism
in the US, or to dissemble Zionism, manifest as white
supremacism in South Africa. Today the world is
challenged with the task to once and for all time,
eradicate Zionism by drying up the religious and
intellectual swamps wherein it breeds, while
dismantling its various projects which include the
occupations of Palestine and Iraq, its almost daily
attacks on Lebanon, and its threats against both Syria
and Iran, and its possible attempts to expand into
Sudan through Darfur.


