Yousef, Tarik M.
Tarik M. Yousef [] is Shaykh Al-Sabah Chair in Arab Studies at the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies (CCAS), Georgetown University, Washington, DC. After receiving his Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University in 1997, he worked as an economist in the Middle East and African departments of the IMF until 2000. Dr. Yousef specializes in development economics and economic history with a particular focus on the Middle East. His papers have appeared, among others, in the American Political Science Review, Journal of Economic Perspectives and the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. During the academic year 2002-2003, he was on leave at the Middle East and North Africa Region of the World Bank where he completed a report for the 2003 Annual Meetings of the IMF and World Bank in Dubai: Unlocking the Employment Potential in the Middle East and North Africa: Toward A New Social Contract (World Bank: 2004). At present, Dr. Yousef is a consultant to the Millennium Project at the UN; the Office of the Chief Economist in the Middle East and North Africa of the World Bank; and various US government institutions.
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