Twenty Canadian Muslim Organizations Urge ‘Zero Tolerance’ for Domestic Violence


Posted Dec 16, 2007      •Permalink      • Printer-Friendly Version
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Twenty Canadian Muslim Organizations Urge ‘Zero Tolerance’ for Domestic Violence

  (Ottawa, Canada - December 11, 2007) - The Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-CAN), the Islamic Social Services Association (ISSA) and the Islamic Society of Toronto, along with 17 other national and regional organizations (see endorsers below), today urged “zero tolerance” for violence against women and domestic abuse. The Muslim groups are calling on Canadians of all faiths to address the realities of domestic violence.

The groups extend their heartfelt condolences to the family for their loss. They also asking for the strongest possible prosecution in the strangulation death of 16-year-old Aqsa Parvez, a Mississauga teen allegedly attacked by her father.

SEE: Teen Dead After Alleged Attack By Father

“There should be zero tolerance for violence of any kind against women or girls,” said ISSA President Shahina Siddiqui. “The strangulation death of Ms. Parvez was the result of domestic violence, a problem that cuts across Canadian society and is blind to colour or creed.”

“Muslims and Canadians of all faiths need to reflect on the realities of domestic abuse and take concrete steps to eliminate violence against women,” said CAIR-CAN Board Member Selma Djukic. “Our heartfelt condolences go out to the Parvez family for their tragic loss.”

“We call for the strongest possible prosecution of Ms. Parvez’s alleged attacker,” said CAIR-CAN Legal Counsel Faisal Kutty.


Endorsed by:

Canadian Council of Muslim Theologians (CCMT)
Canadian Council of Imams
Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-CAN)
Canadian Muslim Civil Liberties Association (CMCLA)
Canadian Muslim Forum (CMF)
Canadian Islamic Centre - Al Rahsid Mosque, Edmonton
Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC)
DawaNet Canada
Islamic Circle of North America Canada (ICNA Canada)
Islamic Information Foundation
Islamic Social Services Association (ISSA)
Islamic Society of Kingston
Islamic Society of Toronto
Muslim Association of Canada (MAC)
Muslim Association of Newfoundland and Labrador
Muslim Community Council of Ottawa-Gatineau (MCCOG)
Muslim Council of Calgary (MCC)
North American Spiritual Revival
Ottawa Muslim Association (OMA)
South-Western Ontario Muslim Students’ Association (SWOMSA)
United Muslims
Young Muslims Canada

