The right side of history in Iraq

Dr. Robert D. Crane

Posted Jun 23, 2014      •Permalink      • Printer-Friendly Version
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The Right Side of History:  Can the Sunnis Destroy ISIS without Agreement on Three Autonomous Nations in an Iraqi Confederation?

by Dr. Robert D. Crane

The current crisis in Iraq is now considered to be the gravest threat to peace, prosperity,and freedom in Southwest Asia in recent times.  This crisis has erupted because of the sudden rise to power of ISIS in both Iraq and Syria as the world’s most radical and successful terrorist organization.

  The power of ISIS results from its resistance against two Shi’a tyrants, Maliki in Iraq and Bashar Asad in Syria.  U.S. military intervention against ISIS while supporting a strong Iraqi central government could only backfire and result in civil war.  If the U.S. supports the Sunni rebellion in the north, however, as part of a larger liberation movement against dictatorship, at least there would be a chance that the Sunnis would desert ISIS and form a moderate government, as have the Kurds, in a loose confederation. 

This might even make possible the privatization of all the natural resources in these three nations to every member of the these nations in equal voting shares of stock.

Only such a strategy can make possible the peaceful coexistence and cooperation that preceded the British creation of the artificial state of Iraq after World War I, which was designed to assure that the three nations there would fight each other for power rather than fight the British colonial masters, who had their eyes on Southwest Asian oil resources, especially in Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Treating resistance movements in Syria and Iraq simply as terrorist threats would undermine the majority within these movements who could be and should be America’s allies, as are the Kurds. 

Unfortunately, U.S. Neo-Con strategists think that economic and political stability can come only from militantly imposing order from above, as has been the case in Central Asia for more than a decade, where we should have been supporting the Pushtun nation, which is the largest nation in both Afghanistan and Pakistan and is the reason why the British split this nation in two when Pakistan and Afghanistan were created. 

Unfortunately, the United States has been on the wrong side of history in much of the world, most grossly now in supporting the French puppet government of southern Mali against the Tuareg nation in the north.  This colonial oppression merely gave Al Qa’ida the opportunity to defeat the Tuaregs with weapons from Libya and pose as liberators, when, in fact, both al Qa’ida and ISIS are ideological movements, like the Communists in Russia and the Nazis in Europe, with dreams of global conquest on behalf of a bizarre religion that originated in Saudi Arabia and has metastacized in Africa and Southwest Asia now for more than two centuries and has spread even to America.

The challenge to shape the coalition of forces in the world toward peace, prosperity, and freedom through justice has never been clearer or greater than it is today.
