TAM Calligraphy

Posted Sep 1, 2005      •Permalink      • Printer-Friendly Version Bookmark and Share

From 1992 to 1995 Mohamed Zakariya produced an original piece of calligraphy to be used as an insert for each issue of the print version of The American Muslim (TAM).  The beautiful calligraphy you see at the top of each article page is from that series.

Ultimately we plan to digitize all of the pieces that Mohamed Zakariya did for TAM.  To begin with we have selected this piece which is Qur’an 3:97, and was chosen because it related to the upcoming HAJJ.

Mohamed Zakariya wrote about this piece when it appeared in the Winter 1994 issue of TAM:

This piece is from the ninety seventh ayat of Surat Al Imran.  It means, approximately:  ‘It is a duty on people towards Allah to make the Pilgrimate to the House (of Allah) for those who are able to get there.’ (see te previous ayat and first part of this one for context).

The piece was written in the jeli slus script, in a horizontal, complex format.  This is a format that is especially appropriate for mosque walls.  The border is of my own ‘ebru’ marbled paper

The Hajj and umra are momentous events in the lives of Muslims.  There are nothing like them.  I am unable to write about them.

I ask Allah to give all the Muslims a chance to participate in this unparalleled cornerstone of the religion.”

To learn more about Mohamed Zakariya and his work visit our “Editors Bios” by clicking on the button at the top of the page.
