Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs Promoting Neo-Nazi Agitprop

Charles Johnson

Posted Apr 10, 2009      •Permalink      • Printer-Friendly Version
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Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs Promoting Neo-Nazi Agitprop

by Charles Johnson

Here’s a tale of the kind of sheer idiocy that gives blogs a bad name, as Pamela Geller has another meltdown: Atlas Shrugs: OBAMA GRANTS EMINENT DOMAIN RIGHTS TO AMERICAN LAND TO CHINA.

The story may have originated with this Bloomberg article, about the Chinese asking Obama for assurances that the US will support the dollar’s exchange rate, to protect their $682 billion holdings of American debt.

Notice that the words “eminent domain” do not appear in the Bloomberg article. That’s because such a ridiculous thing is not being discussed. By anyone.

So where does Pamela Geller’s latest overheated kookspiracy theory come from? An “unsourced” post at Feds grant eminent domain as collateral to China for US debts.

Google this title and you discover the real source at the bottom of this ugly little hoax: infamous white supremacist nutjob Hal Turner: FEDS GRANT EMINENT DOMAIN AS COLLATERAL TO CHINA FOR U.S. DEBTS!

Have a look through the comments posted at that page, if you have a strong stomach.

Someone might want to let Geller know she’s running agitprop from neo-Nazis again.

The Anti-Defamation League has a collection of some of Turner’s other statements: Hal Turner in His Own Words.

Instead of fighting Muslims, we Christians should be rounding up jews [sic] and killing them here in America. We should bomb their Synagogues, burn down their Yeshivas and violently attack them on the street and in their places of business. I advocate extreme violence against jews [sic] because their history as a people make them worthy of being killed. Jews are the lowest form of sub-human garbage. They deserve to be killed.

This is what happens when you don’t care and don’t check where your blog posts come from.

(Hat tip: Thanos.)

Originally published on Little Green Footballs
