Mel Gibson, Jews and Muslims

Sheila Musaji

Posted Apr 9, 2007      •Permalink      • Printer-Friendly Version
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Mel Gibson, Jews and Muslims

by Sheila Musaji

What did Mel Gibson say?  A law-enforcement official quoted Gibson as saying, “The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world,” and asking the arresting officer, “Are you a Jew?”  or according to another source   “F….ing Jews - the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world”,,1835145,00.html

It is hard to believe that this statement has stirred up as much righteous indignation as it has when I compare it to the incredible statements that have been made about Muslims and Islam and received no notice at all.  Just look at (Alarming Statements 2000 and before, 2001]]2001 to 2005[/url], 2006, and 2007) for hundreds of statements at least as offensive towards Islam and Muslims.

I believe that what was said was offensive, but I am concerned that the indignation is only for some offensive speech.


