Resources for Responding to Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week
Sheila Musaji (updated)
Posted Oct 18, 2007 •Permalink • Printer-Friendly VersionResources for Responding to Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week
collected by Sheila Musaji
updated 11-15-2007
(Note: items in bold are particularly useful resources and handouts)
Jewish Voices for Peace has a petition “Say No to intolerance and Islamophobia!”. Please sign the petition
“Fascist-Islamophobia”: A Case Study in Totalitarian Demonization, by Dr. Robert Dickson Crane - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
A Student Guide to Organizing a Different Kind of Conversation About Religion Event, A Different Conversation - useful tools and information and PDF handouts.
Islamo-fascism Awareness Week polarizes the campus community and keeps stereotypes alive, The Daily Californian.
Project for a New American Century’s Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week (satire), David Swanson
It’s Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week! (satire), Larry Arnstein
David Horowitz Slanders Ron Paul, Iraq Vets - American Fascism Awareness Day Flier is a hoax. - see also “Admission of responsibility” from students who admitted responsibility for the flier.
Laughing at “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week”, Ali Eteraz. Lots of good information.
Islamo Fascism Awareness Week, Matthew Yglesias - regarding petition
In short, the main goal of the “David Horowitz Freedom Center” here is to write up a petition deliberately designed to be unlikely for Muslim groups to sign and then to use Muslim groups’ failure to sign the petition as evidence that they’re on the side of “our terrorist adversaries.” This is a great way to go about things if you want to (a) be a campus troublemaker, (b) over the long run turn hundreds of millions of Muslims around the world into hardened enemies of the United States, and (c) create a large group of disaffected Muslims inside the United States who’ve been made to feel that adherence to their faith is unwelcome in America and fundamentally incompatible with loyalty to this country.
- see also actual petition on Terrorism Awareness site.
America’s Fascists Call for “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week”, by Reggie Dylan
Spreading Awareness or Smearing a Religion?, GARY LEUPP.
Resist Islamo Fascism Awareness Week and [2] and [3]
A Campaign of Hate and Racism Coming to Campus?, By Yousef Munayyer
MPAC Releases Tips for Tackling ‘Islamo-Fascism’ Events at Universities
What You Need to Know about Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, MPAC
Campus Progress has a lot of information and a sign up to organize a response to this week.
Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week: David Horowitz Intends to Spread Fear, Hatred, Chelsey Perkins
Iran Chosen As Official Poster of Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, Azadeh Enshah
David Horowitz’ Reactionary Road Show Must be Confronted and Exposed, Reggie Dylan
Islamic Fascism: The New Hysteria, Alan Maass
Islam and Fascism? What Next?, Dr. S. Khurshid
Fascist America, in 10 easy steps, The Guardian Special Report
Book Review: American Fascism: The Christian Right and the War on America (Chris Hedges), Stephen Lendman
Sowing the Seeds of Fascism in America, Stan Goff
VIDEO: America Freedom to Fascism
VIDEO: There Is Fascism, Indeed, Keith Olbermann
The Big Lie About ‘Islamic Fascism’, Eric S. Margolis
The Christian Right and `Islamo-Facism`, Dan Jennejohn
‘Islamo-fascism’ is an Oxymoron, Enver Masud
As for Islamo-fascism, Islam has no central authority - it does not meet the definition of fascism. Even when the community of Muslims (the ummah) had a central authority (the caliphate), it was neither totalitarian nor fascist.
Moral Superiority, 9/11, Islamic-Fascism: The Smokescreens of War, Imraan Siddiqi
Muslims Who Fought Against the ‘Real’ Fascists, Sheila Musaji
Islamic Fascists?, Sheila Musaji
Fighting Words: The Abuse of Islam in Political Rhetoric, L. Ali Khan
Who Is the Fascist Here?, Charles Evans
Wrong War, Wrong Word, Katha Pollitt
Bush’s Islamic Fascist statement: A fascist blast from the past, Susan Aschoff
Saying ‘Islamic Fascists’ May Defeat Bush’s Purpose, Parvez Ahmed
Speaking Out Against Islamo-Fascist Week! and Speaking Out Flier that can be used as a handout
Hope Not Hate, Citizens for Informed Democracy
Understanding Why Islamophobia is on the Rise, Phyllis Chessler
Berkeley Republican Group’s Islamo Fascism Awareness Event Plans Under Fire, Kelly Fitzpatrick
FROM FASCISM TO FREEDOM: Stirring the Winds of Political Climate Change, Steve Bhaerman
Are You Ready for ‘Islamo-Fascism Week’?, Inside Higher Education
The Neo-Missionaries and their Fascism, Zuheir Kseibati
Alan Colmes Objects to Use of term Islamic Fascism Colmes commented that the phrase “Islamo-fascism” constitutes “hate speech.” Colmes: “You talk about hate speech. The words, the phrase ‘Islamo-fascism’ is hate speech. It equates an entire religion with fascism. That’s what people object to. It conflates the two, and it’s wrong.”
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has said the world must not be “forced into retreat” against Islamic terrorists as it faced a situation similar to the Nazi threat before World War II. “Analogies with the past are never properly accurate and analogies especially with the rising fascism can be easily misleading but in pure chronology I sometimes wonder if we’re not in the 1920s or 1930s again.”
Presidential candidate Ron Paul on term Islamofascism, Tom Bevan
Presidential Candidate Fred Thompson warns of ‘Islamic fascism’ - Thompson said “It is a global war - Islamic fascism has declared it upon us,” during the debate with his eight rivals in Michigan on Tuesday. “They play by no rules and they are intent on bringing down Western civilisation and the United States of America,”
Presidential Candidate Rudy Guiliani Roughs Up Arabs, Maureen Dowd
Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee says: “We face a huge problem with the threat of Islamofascism”.
A campus crusade against Muslims, Nicole Colson
A petition from the misnamed David Horowitz Freedom Center demands that “students and faculty…declare their allegiances: either to fighting our terrorist adversaries or failing to take action to stop our enemies.” In a throwback to McCarthyism, right-wing students are encouraged to issue press releases condemning those who refused to sign.
Author Naomi Wolf Warns of Fascism in America, Alex Kane
‘Awareness’ weak on Islam’s truths, Adam Lichtenheld
Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, Christine Benlafquih
Iran Chosen As Official Poster of Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, Azadeh Ensha
The label of Catholic terror was never used about the IRA, Karen Armstrong
President prepares U.S. for conflict with ‘radical Islam’ from Spain to Indonesia, by David E. Sanger
‘Islamic terrorism’ is too emotive a phrase, says EU, By David Rennie
Bigotry and Ignorance of Islam, Charley Reese
Fascists? Look who’s talking, By Jim Lobe
The myth of Muslim support for terror, Kenneth Ballen
Those who think that Muslim countries and pro-terrorist attitudes go hand-in-hand might be shocked by new polling research: Americans are more approving of terrorist attacks against civilians than any major Muslim country except for Nigeria.
‘Saddam, Arafat and the Saudis hate the Jews and want to see them destroyed’, Richard Webster
Toward a definition of ‘Islamic fascism’, David Ignatius
Islamofascists: a dangerous label, Michael Burleigh
Reclaiming The Issues: Islamic Or Republican Fascism?, Thom Hartmann
Understanding Why Islamophobia is on the Rise, Phyllis Bennis
On Propoganda and Islamophobia, Abukar Arman
Muslims for a Safe America has a series of handouts on various topics that may come up in any dialogues during this week.
‘Fight fire with fire’, Robert Stacy McCain
Barriers to peace, Sarah Dajani, Princeton
A.S. of UCSB Approves Funding for Dennis Prager Speech as part of Islamo Fascism Awareness Week
The Dangers of “Islamofascism”, Zack Beauchamp
University of Wisconsin Hillel rejects Horowitz
Norman Podhoretz Tilting at ‘Islamofascism’, Wesley Wark
Can we stop calling everything ‘Islamofascist?’, Neal Hebert, Louisiana State University
“Islamophobofascists”: Be Aware (Beware), Scott McLemee
Battleground Sproul, Rachel Swan, California State Berkeley
Addressing prejudice after controversy, George Washington Unviersity
‘Islamofascism Awareness Week’, Rod Aminian, Gonzaga University
Terrorism Awareness Project: The 21st Century’s “Red Scare” Movement, Frank J. Ranelli
Podhoretz and The Long Struggle Against Islamofascism, Amir Taheri
Who Wants to “Rule All the World”?, By GARY LEUPP
Nooses at Columbia, Sunsara Taylor
“Islamofascism” The rise of the clueless neoconservative, Paul Mulshine
It’s Fascism Lite in America: Playing the God card, Daniel Meltzer
David Horowitz Awareness, Matt Kennard
Islamo-Fascism: What’s in a name?, Zafar Sobhan
Aware of Our Words, Columbia University
FOX provides platform for Horowitz’ “Islamo-fascism Awareness” week
Free Speech or Hate Speech?, the Nation
Sharing God’s love crosses religious boundaries, Jeff Hittenberger
Local Muslims upset by University of Washington campus event, Janet Tu
Showdown at Columbia, After Years Under Siege, Students Take On “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week” , Michael Gould-Wartofsky
The reality of Islam: Tulane University MSA Statement
University of Columbia students oppose Hatred Week in US, Iran
On Propaganda and Islamophobia, Abukar Arman
MSA’s response to Islamo Fascism Awareness Week
The Hypocrisy of “Newly Minted Feminists”…And David Horowitz’ Dangerous Agenda, T. Redtree
David Horowitz Can’t Handle the Truth, Sunsara Taylor
Penn State College Republicans, MSA reach agreement on awareness weeks, Jody Pollack
UCLA Republicans’ “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week” met with criticism from Muslim students
Washington University SL Democrats, Republicans clash over perception of Islam, Perry Stein
Not in Our Voice, By Shira Gordon, Alana Krivo-Kaufman, Josh Schwartz and Shlomo Bolts - Columbia University
The media anesthetizes our minds to make us embrace war as freedom, and fraud as fact, by Greg Felton
Robert Spencer Meets With European ‘Neo-Nazis’ prior to Islamo Fascism Awareness Week
Judeo-Christo-Fascism Awareness Week Comes to American Campuses!, Rabbi Arthur Waskow
Pseudo-Muslims Representing Pseudo-Islam Must Be Outshouted, Sheila Musaji
‘Islamo-Facism’ Week Ignores Real Enemy, By Professor Mark LeVine - UC Irvine
Rich Use Racism to Divide, By Dennis Lopez and Kevin Smith - UC Irvine
‘Islamo-Facism’ Week Fosters Racism, Hatred, By Mariam Moustafa - UC Irvine
Documentary Screening, Lecture Kick Off “Islamo-Facism Awareness Week”, Aria Miran - UC Santa Barbara
Forget Halloween: It’s Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, Barbara Ehrenreich
Crib Sheet: “Islamofascism”: Debunking a Conservative Smear Tactic , By Annika Carlson and Sarah Dreier
Worst. Threat. Ever?, Carpetbagger Report
Muslims say University of Washington College Republicans are fostering racism
‘Islamo-Fascism’ brings in Santorum, Adam Smeltz
Neocons Surge Against Antiwar Movement, Tom Hayden
UC Davis Students and professors lead response to ‘Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week’, Richard Proceer & Rita Simerly
Learn more about Islam before judging, Misguided representations don’t help, Amina Ben Ezzeddine
Hatred and Ignorance on Display for “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week”, UC - Santa Cruz
Looking beyond the Islamofascism rhetoric, Gary Leupp
Terrorism debate raises course questions, Penn State (note: only 80 people turned out to hear Daniel Pipes speak).
Steven Emerson on Holy Land Foundation trial and Islamo-Fascism
David Horowitz: A Nazi mind with a Jewish face, Khalid Amayreh
Colleges address extremism, Bobby Allyn - American University
Horowitz event sparking protests and [2] University of Wisconsin
Bin Laden and the Neocons Do a Mirror Dance (While Most Muslims Stay Invisible), R. J. Eskow
Christopher Hitchens’ Weak Defense of “Islamo-Fascism”, R.J. Eskow
A Call to Defend Academic Freedom, Inside Higher Education
Horowitz Inflates Number Of Schools Participating In His Divisive ‘Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week’
Week Ignores Voice of Moderate Islam, David Sforza - UC Santa Barbara
Islamofascism: Not Quite Orwellian, Ross Raffin - Stanford
Islamo-Fascism very racist concept, Fedwa Wazwaz
Bin Laden and the Neocons Do a Mirror Dance (While Most Muslims Stay Invisible), R.J. Eskow
David Horowitz Bombs on Opening Night of IFAW
Audience challenges Santorum address, Margaret Miceli
Awareness weeks in full swing: But what do they stand for?, Emma Zayer
The Fascist focus of the Islamo-phobes, Alexander Cockburn
Islamo-Fascism: Their Week Of Panic, Fred Habachi
Islamofascism, Josh Marshall
Christian/Jewish Fascism Awareness Week, Margaret Kimberly, Black Agenda Report
Rick Santorum says America doesn’t ‘get’ the enemy
Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week disgraces university, Penn State
Interview with David Horowitz on IFAW
Interfaith Group Blasts Horowitz’ Islamophobia Promotion Week
Horowitz wants debate, fails to engage in one, University of Wisconsin
Horowitz speech, Visiting speaker divisive, futile, Oliver Kiefer
Our campus has higher standards, Safi Kaleel, University of Wisconsin
Responding to Islamophobia: A Pro-Active Strategy, Phyllis Bennis
Neo-Fascism Awareness Week, Nadia Gaber, Harvard
USAC votes to condemn Islamo-Fascism week, UCLA
Sorority of Horror: Dispatches From the Islamo-Fascist Front, R.J. Eskow
Robert Spencer in Rhode Island
Horowitz spins ‘facts’ aimlessly, Kyle Szarzynski
‘Islamo Fascism’ Week Fails To Gain Traction, Charlie Wells
“Islamo-facism”: A Dumb Idea, By J.D. Porter, Columbia
Princeton disavows ties to Horowitz’s program, Kate Benner
Horowitz defends event, Muslim students respectful during GWU lecture
Interfaith unity promoted after Horowitz speech, Quentin Cantu
‘Awareness’ Week Ends in Opposing Rallies
Groups respond to Islamo-Fascism week
CAIR: ‘Islamo-Fascism’ Event Sponsor to Host British Racist
Farewell IFAW, Daniel Levy
So Much for Islamo-Fascism Awareness, Alexander Cockburn
Horowitz Finds Tough Go for Islamo-Fascism Week?
“Islamofascism”: The Failure of a Concept, by Gary Leupp
Islam Awareness Week [1] After name conflict, groups begin events, [2] All sides holding events on Islam, Hadas Gold, [3] Muslim Student Association’s Response to Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week - Penn State, [4] ISLAM AWARENESS WEEK - University of Kansas, [5] Boise State, [6] University of Pennsylvania, [7] MSA’s Peace Not Prejudice Campaign
The FILM Obsession: Radical Islam’s War With the West will also be shown during this week on many campuses. Please see our resources for countering the propoganda of this film.
Other FILMS being shown include: The Path to 9/11 and Chris Burgard’s Border. We have some information on these. FBI Agent Who Consulted On Path to 9/11 Quit Halfway Through Because ‘They Were Making Things Up’, F.B.I. Agents Question Accuracy of 9/11 Series, Conservative Author Richard Miniter: ‘There’s Zero Factual Basis’ For Key Scene In Path To 9/11, Ex-Clinton Officials Slam 9/11 Mini-Series, Under Fire, ABC Yanks Official Blog of 9/11 Docudrama
See also our collections of Resources on various topics. Particularly useful might be Responses to Allegations Against Islam and Muslims - article collection .
10-26-07 note: we had to remove most of the quotations in this resource because we were running out of room to list all of the relevant articles.
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