Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf Speaks out against terrorist attacks in London
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf Speaks out against terrorist attacks in London
(New York., 7/7/05) - A prominent New York City Imam, Feisal Abdul Rauf today decried this
morning’s terrorist attacks in London as “crimes against humanity.”
In his statement, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf said: The Holy Quran teaches us that “Whoever kills a human
being…it is as if he has killed all humankind: and if he saves a human life, it is as if he has saved the lives
of all humankind” Quran 5:32
We condemn the abuse of religion by fanatics whose sole purpose is to rouse hate and beget further
violence. Nothing is as antithetical to all religion and especially to Islam, as the wanton violence wreaked
by the recent attacks in London. We cry out against such violence, and seek to console those who have
suffered from it.
We declare that all religions have the same relative value with respect to the high goals we seek to reach
as humans, and the same lack of value of when they fail to call forth the unity of God.
Our voices are raised together to proclaim support for our British sisters and brothers who have
experienced tragic loss. We pray for a future that is replete with peace and love for all of humanity across
the world, and for a future that is far far different from the tumultuous, hateful times that we live in now.
Today also further emphasizes the need for greater efforts by Muslims leaders to come together to present
to the world the true essence of Islam as a religion of moderation and compassion. Just days ago, Imam
Feisal attended a historic International Islamic Conference “True Islam and Its Role in Modern
Society” in Amman, Jordan held by His Majesty King Abdullah II. The goal of this conference was to put
forth a constructive effort to unify two major branches of Islam, Sunni and Shi’ite, in standing against
Islamic extremists.
In addition to gathering over 170 prominent scholars (representing all Madhahib or major schools of
thought) from all parts of the Islamic world as well as America & Europe the conference succeeded in
attaining the signatures of all attendees on a document that spoke against the practice of labeling others as
apostates, whether Muslim or non-Muslim. It also set specific Islamic criteria for individuals to issue
religious rulings (or fatwa). The document defined the qualifications for issuing fatwas, since the socalled
fatwas justifying terrorism are all being issued outside of the established schools of religious law
and are in clear violation of their common principles.
Imam Feisal is the Founder of ASMA: American Society for Muslim Advancement, an
Islamic cultural and educational organization dedicated to building bridges between American
Muslims and the American public: and Co-Founder of the Cordoba
Initiative, whose mission is to heal the relationship between The Muslim World and America.
CONTACT: Daisy Khan, 917 492 8690 or 201 868 4060, E-Mail: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or
Daanish Masood 917 492 8690, E-Mail: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
ASMA Society, 175 East 96th street, Suite 21T, NYC 10128