Disarmament as Grand Conspiracy: “It’s Economics!”

Anisa Abd el Fattah

Posted May 8, 2007      •Permalink      • Printer-Friendly Version
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Disarmament as Grand Conspiracy: “It’s Economics!”

Anisa Abd el Fattah

Almost immediately following the unbelievable tragedy that took place at Virginia Tech., the international and domestic anti-gun lobby began its call to disarm the United States. Countries like France and England, already disarmed, issued statements following the incident. In their public statements they said that the incident resulted from American obsession with guns and violence. They ignored completely the fact that the massacre was actually carried out by a mentally deranged foreigner, who seemed to have been sickened by an overdose of Communist, and anti-American propaganda and hatred that pushed him over the edge. How they figured that an act carried out by a South Korean student, on a US university campus is the result of US gun culture is strange indeed. It goes to show that common sense and truth have nothing to do with shaping, or advancing the anti-gun agenda. Neither does safety, self defense, or even national defense for that matter.

The domestic conversation, was met by an American response that perhaps shocked those who shamelessly sought to exploit the horrific event to promote gun control, and disarmament. Americans almost immediately realized that we have been targeted by maniacs with guns, because we have allowed our politicians to pass laws that disarmed many Americans, rendering us defenseless. Rather than joining the chorus calling for disarmament, Americans called for the restoration of the 2ND amendment rights to bear arms. In response, the radical left changed its strategy from an outright call for gun control and disarmament, to a discussion about mental health.

Never underestimate the radical left when it comes to wanting to socially engineer all of society to accommodate their very unique and troubling worldview. They recognized early in the debate on the VT massacre, that the usual anti-gun rhetoric which casts inanimate objects as killers would not work this time. So members of the Lefts elite began to suggest that we need to redefine the term mental illness, expanding its definition to capture more people. In that way, they could deny rights and disarm first, those who can be grouped under the new definition of mental illness that might include any number of very common psychological conditions. One pundit voiced a concern about such an approach to gun control. He said that if we allow the radical left to begin playing with the definition of mental illness, and using it to advance political and ideological agendas, we might awaken one day to the pronouncement that anyone who owns a gun must be crazy.

All of this political posturing on the issue of gun control should concern us. It should concern us for more than the obvious reasons. On the surface this issue may appear to be merely a domestic discussion on the 2Nd amendment, and how the US Constitution should be interpreted. Dig a little deeper, and it becomes very clear that the 2ND amendment has very serious international implications.

In 1972 the United Nations convened a conference in Nairobi Kenya whose aim was to chart the future of the world. The resulting UN manifesto is explained to anyone interested in reading a document named, “The Nairobi Forward Looking Strategies.” The document spells out the UN’s ideological worldview, which not surprisingly is Communist. It also enunciates the UN’s vision of humanity’s common future, while laying out a strategy to make it all happen.
See the document here: http://www.un.org/esa/gopher-data/conf/fwcw/nfls/nfls.en

Paragraph 8 of the so-called “Forward Looking Strategies” says,

“One of the primary tasks of the international community is to pursue with all vigor the efforts directed towards the establishment of a New International Economic Order founded upon equity, sovereign equality, interdependence, and common interests.”  (Emphasis added).

Paragraph 9 says,

“Equality, development, and peace are broad, inter-related and mutually re-enforcing, so that the achievement of one contributes to the achievement of the other.” (Emphasis added).

Paragraph 11 says,

“Equality is important for development and peace, because national and global inequities perpetuate themselves and increase tensions of all types.”  (Emphasis added).

Paragraph 13 reads,

“In this respect special attention is drawn to the final document of the tenth special session of the General Assembly, the first special session devoted to encompassing all measures thought to be advisable in order to ensure that the goal of general and complete disarmament under effective international control is realized. weight:bold;” This document describes a comprehensive program of disarmament, including nuclear disarmament…” (Emphasis added).

These statements alone may not concern those who are not familiar with translating UN documents. To make it easy for us, the UN does some some explaining of its own. The Forward Looking Strategies says that, ” peace is promoted by equality of the sexes, and also economic equality.” It calls for a complete “restructuring of society.” It goes on to say that “regulating fertility and population growth are beneficial for the environment.”

If your hair is not standing up and your flesh crawling by now, wait until you read paragraph 36, which says,

“The Forward Looking Strategies and multi dimensional measures must be pursued within the framework of a just international society in which equitable economic relations will allow the closing of the gap that separates industrialized nations from developing countries.” (Emphasis Added)

Paragraph 38 sums it all up for us, stating clearly that this initiative is “long term, and within the context of the broader goals and objectives of a New International Economic Oder.”

Translation and Summary

The UN is serving as a conduit for the establishment of a new international economic order. Many have referred to this new order as globalism. The truth of the matter is that the new economic order is global communism. A so-called “just” international society in which we have “equitable economic relations,” means a world without sovereign countries, that are governed by a single set of laws aimed at leveling all of the world down to economic sameness. This can only happen through Communism, where there is a central authority that owns and controls everything, that sets prices, and also determines wages. Add population control, the new definition of mental illness that will touch most of us, compulsory treatment with anti-depressants and psychotropic drugs, and disarmament, and for all intent and purpose America will be finished. 

Disarmament of societies is a key aspect of these UN strategies, because the authority required to implement these ideas in a society, can only succeed if it has no military or other armed challengers, resistance or insurgency. As you read the document further, you realize that its primary targets are national armies, militias, and armed citizens. Note the role that the UN played in the 20Th century’s most horrific genocides and massacres. The UN disarmed citizens, and walked away or turned its head as governments killed unarmed, and UN embargoed persons.

It might also put the VT massacre, and Cho’s anti-American ranting into perspective for us, coming shortly after China was forced to destroy pirated DVD’s and other US intellectual property that was said to be worth billions of dollars. This is not to imply that China had anything to do with Cho. Rather it is to suggest that Cho saw this WTO interference in favor of the US, as perhaps another example of US greed impoverishing the masses, which fits neatly into the Communist narrative. 

It might also explain why our politicians are not much concerned about rising gasoline prices, job outsourcing, and a flood of immigrants that are forcing US wages down beyond what is needed to support a family at customary US standards of living. It’s all part of the UN’s plan to create equity between the US, an industrialized nation, and the developing nations. $4.00 per gallon gasoline, a second tier of workers called “guest workers” who work for less than minimum wage, along with outsourcing of US manufacturing, and a huge trade, and other deficits will eliminate the US Middle class. The elimination of the Middle class will completely restructure the US economy, and our society.  So the next time someone says, “the US is becoming like an underdeveloped country” believe them. No health care, abortion on demand, Eugenics and other Darwinian social policies are also part of the UN mandated restructuring.

If we are lucky, at the next presidential debate, and throughout this presidential election cycle, Americans will be asking presidential candidates where they stand on the Forward Looking Strategies. We also need to ask them what strategies they have to reverse the effects of the treason of past US administrations, and Congresses who obviously sold America out to the UN, while draped in the US flag and claiming patriotism.
