Bukhari, Zahid H.

Zahid H. Bukhari is Director of the American Muslim Studies Program at the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University, Washington, DC. From 1999–2004, he directed the Muslims in American Public Square (MAPS) project, which examined the contributions of the Muslims to American public life. He is co-editor of Muslims’ Place in the American Public Square: Fears, Hopes and Aspirations and the forthcoming Muslims in America: Engaging Polity and Society in Post 9/11 Era.
From http://www.claremontmckenna.edu/RAAP/SpeakerBios/
Dr. Zahid H. Bukhari is currently working as Director Pew Project: Muslims in American Public Square, and Fellow, Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University, Washington, DC. Dr. Bukhari has a Masters in Economics from the University of Karachi and Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Connecticut. His research interests have focused on religion and politics in the United States. He has a vast experience in all aspects of survey research. From 1978-1983, he worked as founding executive director of the Pakistan Institute of Public Opinion (PIPO), Islamabad, a member of Gallup International. He also participated, from 1993-1995, in a national study of the Islamic centers/mosques across North America conducted by the Islamic Resource Institute, Los Angles, CA. He has published and presented papers on Islam and development, Muslim public opinion in the US and other related topics in national and international forums. Dr. Bukhari has an extensive experience of working with various Islamic organizations and also with other religious groups of USA. He was one of the founders of the National Islamic Shura Council, a representative body of the American Muslims consisting of four national Islamic organizations. Dr. Bukhari also worked as Secretary General of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) from 1990 to 1995. Since 1996, he has also been the chairman of ICNA Relief, a not-for-profit relief organization, which operates national and international projects.
From http://www.icna.org/conv2005/speakers.htm#Sh.%20Yusuf%20Islahi
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