Atlas Shrugs’ Pamela Geller Suddenly Outraged About Flogging

Charles Johnson

Posted Feb 3, 2009      •Permalink      • Printer-Friendly Version
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Atlas Shrugs’ Pamela Geller Suddenly Outraged About Flogging

by Charles Johnson

Pat Condell’s videos always get a good response at LGF, and since the so-called “anti-jihad movement” is currently melting down into a stinky puddle of white supremacism as leading writers and bloggers—including Geert Wilders, apparently—make alliances with European fascist groups, here’s a reminder that Condell’s position on this kind of revolting nonsense is closely aligned with ours. From a video Condell posted in 2007:

And by the way, this has got nothing to do with immigration. Let me make this very clear. I welcome immigration to Britain, I think that within reason it’s a healthy thing for the economy, I think it’s a good thing for the country.

This is about religion, and only about religion. So, to any white supremacist morons out there who think that they can latch on to this video in the way they’ve attempted to with some of my previous videos, go and take a piss on a live electric rail. Because I’m not your friend, I’m your enemy, and I’m proud to be your enemy. Just as I’m proud to be the enemy of every creepy Islamofascist on this planet, because you people are two sides of the same coin. And it’s an evil, worthless, poisonous currency that I want nothing to do with.

Well said, as always.

And speaking of bloggers who are pushing the fascist agenda, Pamela Geller posted something on Saturday, outraged about a sheikh who called for Geert Wilders to be “flogged.”

Remember, this is the woman who recently called for me to be “publicly flogged,” because I won’t sign up with the fascists she’s shilling for, particularly the Belgian Vlaams Belang.

And now, she’s deleted the post about Geert Wilders, obviously realizing it made her look like an addled hypocrite.

Here’s the Google cache of the page that’s no longer on her blog: Atlas Shrugs: New York Sheikh Khalid Yasin in speech in Holland: Wilders must be flogged.

The Muslims are out of control. OUT OF CONTROL. Can we, in the West, stop sucking our thumbs and fight back. …

Khalid Yasin: “Wilders Should Be Flogged”

Khalid Yasin, the sheikh who shook down Australia a few years ago, is visiting the Netherlands. In his latest speech, he says that Geert Wilders should be flogged for his crimes.

Isn’t that hate speech? Shouldn’t he be prosecuted for his racism and kafirophobia?

Well, is it hate speech? Here’s Geller wishing the same fate upon me; should she be prosecuted?


And to think the transatlantic counter jihad movement lost a year because the lizard asshat was on a mission to destroy and smear Europe’s only political party that has stood staunchly with Israel - Vlaams Belang (and, just for knowing, the VB have made statements condemning the anti-Jewish attacks in Belgium). Chuck should be publicly flogged.
